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Re: [Devel] font format corner cases

From: James H. Cloos Jr.
Subject: Re: [Devel] font format corner cases
Date: 05 Jun 2002 00:05:49 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.1

>>>>> "Werner" == Werner LEMBERG <address@hidden> writes:

Werner> As you correctly say, this should be done one level higher
Werner> than FreeType.

Always good to get a concensus.

Werner> I haven't experimented with libz, but I think that FreeType's
Werner> memory management is flexible enough to provide hooks which
Werner> you can use for compressed streams.

I beleive so.  But I'm not yet sure how best to do it.  libz has a
function that reads in files, uncompressing those that are
compress(1)ed or gzip(1)ed and reading other files as is.  One could
read the file into mem with that and call FT_New_Memory_Face on the
resulting buffer.  But is that the best way to do it?

I'm concerned about the memory pressure from reading the whole file
into heap.  But I don't see any way around it.

In any case, I think ftcommon.i's install_font_file() will need
significant reimplimentation to best explain to other ft users (that
is the intent of ft2demos, yes?) how best to uncompress on the fly.


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