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[Devel] Patch for FreeType2 #include problems on Unix (2001-03-17)

From: Anthony Fok
Subject: [Devel] Patch for FreeType2 #include problems on Unix (2001-03-17)
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 18:23:38 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i


I was playing with freetype2-current (2001-03-17) yesterday and today:

    IMHO, the current freetype2 source caters too much to broken
    compilers that the Unix build suffers.

    After some tinkering, and after referring to David, Werner et al.'s
    experiments (2000-12-12, 2000-12-13), I think that ftheader.h
    doesn't need to be exactly the same across all platforms.

    So, why don't we use "sed" in builds/unix/
    to replace all instances of <freetype/{,config/,internal/}*.h>
    with FT2_{PUBLIC,CONFIG,INTERNAL}_FILE(*.h), which would
    expands to <freetype2/freetype/{,config/,internal/}*.h>
    in freetype/config/ftheader.h and freetype/internal/internal.h
    for Unix?  Isn't this what David and Werner wanted in the first place?

    Since builds/unix/ isn't run for other platforms,
    this "hack" does not sacrifice cross-platform compatibility.

    It may also mean that "-I/usr/include/freetype2" is no longer mandatory. 
    But of course, any users who don't use "-I/usr/include/freetype2"
    are digging a hole for themselves.
    Afterall, Thou shalt always use `freetype-config --cflags`, right?  :-)

    This was related to reported
    by Gordon Sandler and forwarded to freetype-devel a while ago.

Another fix is in builds/unix/ft2unix.h:

   Debian JP developer Takuo Kitame ran into problems and filed a
   bug report (freetype2-current, 2001-03-12):

   are defined in both ft2unix.h (i.e. /usr/include/ft2build.h)
   and freetype/config/ft2build.h (now freetype/config/ftheader.h).

   No, cpp doesn't like that, unless you use #undef first.

   Anyway, instead of using #undef, I made the following changes to

     - Removed the FT2_{PUBLIC,CONFIG,INTERNAL}_FILE macros because
       they are already defined in freetype/config/ftheader.h.
     - Use FT2_ROOT instead.  Afterall, cpp on Unix is not broken.  ;-)

   Seems to work here.  :-)

Please examine the attached patch file and commit it to the CVS
if appropriate.  (and run "cd builds/unix ; autoconf".)

I know that using "sed" to change ftheader.h and
internal.h during install may seem "unorthodox", but it works!  :-)
All Unix systems have sed; builds/unix/configure already runs sed;
no need to fork two versions of ftheader.h and internal.h;
still compatible with brain-dead compilers, but gives the flexibility
that you wanted, etc.

But of course, if you come up with a better solution, that would be even
better!  :-)



Anthony Fok Tung-Ling                Civil and Environmental Engineering
address@hidden, address@hidden    University of Alberta, Canada
   Debian GNU/Linux Chinese Project --
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp --

Attachment: freetype_2.0.1.20010317-1.diff
Description: Text document

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