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Re: [pooma-dev] Problem with Field::makeOwnCopy() and Relations

From: John H. Hall
Subject: Re: [pooma-dev] Problem with Field::makeOwnCopy() and Relations
Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 14:49:34 -0600

On Wednesday, May 21, 2003, at 01:41  PM, Richard Guenther wrote:

Not only because you cannot take views of fields with >1
subfields and calling field.physicalDomain() is "undefined" for fields
with >1 subfield.

I remember the reason for the field.physicalDomain() being defined only at the innermost subFields (what would it mean at higher levels since it is different for each direction and centering?) But, I don't remember a restriction on taking views of edge-centered fields for example. We took views of these things all over the place. In fact our field object factory was in the unoptimized case up to the second view (third object) by the time we returned from its create function call. I think you will have to be more specific in what you mean here.

We even had multi-material fields with edge centering, so that they would have a layer of subFields for each material and another layer of subFields for each direction in the centering and we took views of those all the time.

Here is a routine from our object factory:

// =====================================================================
// This method now handles AllFace, AllEdge, and ReplicatedSubFields (MMFields)
// TecMesh::newField(const centering& Center, const int numFields)
// =====================================================================

template<class field>
field TecMesh::newField( const CenteringType& center, const int numFields, bool forceIt )
        typedef field::T_t T;
        typedef field::Layout_t Layout_t;
        enum { Dim = field::dimensions };

        Vector<Dim,Real> origin;
LoadPoomaVector(origin,stdOrigin); //Copy STL vector (stdOrigin) into POOMA vector (origin)
        Vector<Dim,Real> spacings;
        Ptr<Layout_t> pLayout = unwrap<Ptr<Layout_t> >(*getLayout());

Centering<Dim> Center = canonicalCentering<Dim>(center, Continuous, AllDim);

if(( numFields > 1 ) || (forceIt==true)) { // forceIt : e.g. A 1-material MM_Field needs a subField //for compatibility with general multimaterial case
                field tField( numFields, Center,
                        *pLayout, origin, spacings ); // Actually create field
                  ... // Initialize Boundary conditions, etc.
                return tField; // return view of field
        else {
field tField( Center, *pLayout, origin, spacings ); // Actually create field
                  ... // Initialize Boundary conditions, etc.
                return tField; // return view of field

Notice, we are returning fields as views, not references to fields (which would be referring back to deleted views). And for a multi-material field with edge centering in 3-D with 10 materials there would be 30 subFields at the leaf object level.

We even violated the sanctity of the public interface for POOMA and set it up where a Multi-Material field was pointing to the engine for a single subField so that we could use the same data some times in a single material expression and other times in a multi-material expression (actually, a loop over materials to form expressions since the POOMA team didn't have time to write the MMField loop expressions)

So something like:
      for(int n=0;n<MM_IntEnergy.numMaterials();++n) {
          MM_IntEnergy.material(n)  = where( MM_Mass.material(n) > eps,
Old.MM_IntEnergy.material(n) - (TmpWorkTerm * Dt)/MM_Mass.material(n),
                                    0.0 );
should become:
          MM_IntEnergy  = where( MM_Mass > eps,
Old.MM_IntEnergy - (TmpWorkTerm * Dt)/MM_Mass,
                                    0.0 );
This would mean that POOMA could move all of the RHS updating outside the loop so that no blocking would occur from material to material during the loop.

We could also refer to MM_IntEnergy.material(n) as simply IntEnergy for the nth material (we have a bag-type generic object collection known as the DataDirectory and the Material objects were derived from this hierarchical container and therefore each material could have a field known as "IntEnergy"). So that allowed expressions like IntEnergy*=0.5. If the single material model got called for each material, then the effect would be the same as MM_IntEnergy *= 0.5 which of course right now requires a loop over materials.

I am really curious what you mean here. Has something really significant changed?
John Hall

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