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Re: [fluid-dev] Getting severe clicking/static with FluidSynth (on Andro

From: Element Green
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Getting severe clicking/static with FluidSynth (on Android)
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:38 -0700

Hello Ien,

This sounds like the typical symptoms of running out of CPU.  Checking the CPU load would easily confirm this.  One question I have is if your hardware platform has a floating point unit.  Without that, FluidSynth will run pretty inefficiently.  This also can relate to how FluidSynth was built, as far as wait floating point support it is using.  For example, you could have a hardware floating point unit, but if FluidSynth is not built to take advantage of it because it wasn't built with it enabled, then its the same as not having one.

If all that checks out.  Then perhaps there are more voices being synthesized simultaneously than the system can handle.  This can happen if there are too many notes being played or if the instruments have long release times.  This can be adjusted by setting the polyphony amount to something which your system can handle.  When the number of voices exceeds this number, the least perceptible notes will be terminated.

I hope that helps.

Best regards,

Element Green

On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 5:15 PM, Ien Cheng <address@hidden> wrote:
Thanks Ceresa, I will try that. Any reason why a high gain would be fine for the first 15 seconds and then start to deteriorate? (Asking to help myself understand how it all works...) --Ien

On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 7:12 PM, Ceresa Jean-Jacques <address@hidden> wrote:

Hi, Ien


After a quick glance on the recording please try with a lower gain value.

You can set the gain value using the command "gain".


> gain 0.5


> gain 0.2






> Message du 30/01/17 16:03
> De : "Ien Cheng" <address@hidden>
> A : "FluidSynth mailing list" <address@hidden>
> Copie à :
> Objet : [fluid-dev] Getting severe clicking/static with FluidSynth (on Android)

Hi all,

I'm using the synth to play a piece of music with a series of note on/off commands, using a harp soundfont. This is on an Android phone using this Android wrapper for FluidSynth.

It starts off great, with clean sound, but after around 15, there starts to be clipping/clicking/static sounds which quickly worsen to the point of being unusable. Here is a recording

I'm hoping this is a common problem due to some kind of mistake with the settings. Any hints or help on how to solve this would be much appreciated!


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