When I run the code I get an error like this:
Stop if minimal distance is larger than 0.9
background_errors { ERROR: bond broken between particles 74 and 75. Distance vector: -5.90274 -6.07929 6.61994 in function void add_bonded_force(Particle*) (forces_inline.hpp:903) on node 0 }
while executing
"integrate $warm_steps"
("while" body line 3)
invoked from within
"while { $i < $warm_n_times && $act_min_dist < $min_dist } {
integrate $warm_steps
# Visualization
if { $vmd_output=="yes" } { imd posit..."
(file "two_polymers.tcl" line 169)
It says that the bond between the two polymers is getting broken. Why?? Please help me out with a alternative if this is wrong.
P.S: I have attached the .tcl file with this mail just in case.
Thanks and Regards,
![]() | Yash Patel Final Year Undergraduate, IIT Bombay
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay 109 | Hostel - 4 | IIT Bombay | Powai | Mumbai - 400 076 Mob: +91 9920168689 |