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[emacs-wiki-discuss] [tips] my forgery on muse-insert-tag

From: ITSUMI ken-ichi
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] [tips] my forgery on muse-insert-tag
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 09:49:06 +0900

Hi all

* Problem
Current Design of muse-insert-tag is thought to be based on
assumptions shown below.

 1) Tag should be inserted *before* its contents.
 2) Enclosing Tag should not be enclosed *inline* elements, it always
enclose lines.

These assumptions missed at least me ;-).

* Proposition
If marker is active, tag enclose current region.

* My Quick and Dirty Solution
(defun muse-insert-tag (tag)
 "Insert a tag interactively with a blank line after it."
    (concat "Tag: "
            (when muse-tag-history
              (concat "(default: " (car muse-tag-history) ") ")))
      (require 'muse-publish)
      (mapcar 'list (nconc (mapcar 'car muse-publish-markup-tags)
    nil nil nil 'muse-tag-history
    (car muse-tag-history))))
 (when (equal tag "")
   (setq tag (car muse-tag-history)))
 (unless (interactive-p)
   (require 'muse-publish))
 (let ((tag-entry (assoc tag muse-publish-markup-tags))
       (options ""))
   ;; Add to custom list if no entry exists
   (unless tag-entry
     (add-to-list 'muse-custom-tags tag))
   ;; Get option
   (when (nth 2 tag-entry)
     (setq options (read-string "Option: ")))
   (unless (equal options "")
     (setq options (concat " " options)))
   ;; If marker is active, region should be enclosed by tag.
   (let* ((p (point))
           (m (if mark-active           ; if marker is inactive
                  (mark)                ; m==p
           (beg (min p m))
           (end (max p m)))
     ;; Insert the tag, closing if necessary
     (goto-char beg)
     (when tag
        (let* ((tag-string (concat "<" tag options ">"))
               (tag-length (length tag-string)))
          (insert tag-string)
          (when (nth 1 tag-entry)
            (goto-char end)
            (forward-char tag-length)
            (insert (concat "</" tag ">"))
            (goto-char beg)
            (forward-char tag-length))))

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