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[emacs-wiki-discuss] oddmuse compatibility?

From: Joe Corneli
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] oddmuse compatibility?
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 09:57:16 -0600

I realize that this comes at a time when you are right in the middle
of a feature freeze, but I didn't see anything about a freeze on
feature requests, so here is one.  Actually its less of a feature
request and more just something I'd like to discuss.

What would you all have to say about making emacs-wiki.el compatible
with the syntax used by Oddmuse?

The reason I mention this question is that Oddmuse seems to be
becoming a sort of standard.  There are probably a few dozen other
standards out there, but let's talk about Oddmuse first. Are there
any outstanding reasons that the syntax used by Oddmuse would be
_bad_ for emacs-wiki?  What I see on


is not very technical (or conclusive).  As far as I can tell from a
user perspective, there are only a few relatively minor differences
between the two syntaxes.

So now on to the other standards briefly.  Perhaps emacs-wiki could
have different minor modes or modules for any syntax anyone cared to
port - they would probably all look pretty similar.  The user could
then switch between them (if desired) quickly.

The only problem I can think of with this is that the modules might
have to be updated to correspond to upstream changes - but since the
syntax for a wiki pretty much has to be publically available, this
wouldn't be too much of a problem -- and besides, I don't imagine
that the syntax would change frequently.

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