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[emacs-wiki-discuss] HOWTO Integrate everything?

From: pll+ew
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] HOWTO Integrate everything?
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 12:49:35 -0500

Okay, I've played around with emacs-wiki and planner-mode to know I 
need to use these more often in my daily life.  I began exploring 
bbdb this morning and am now convinced that this is the only way to 
go :)

Since configuring Emacs to do what I want it to do has never been my 
strong point, I'm asking for help from all of you :)

Up until now, this is all I've had in my .xemacs/init.el:

 (load "emacs-wiki")
 (load "planner")
 (setq planner-carry-tasks-forward t)

btw, what's the difference between (load "foo") and (require 'foo).
I've always used (load "foo"), but I've noticed all the docs wrt 
emacs-wiki and planner all use (require 'foo).

The following is a lot just "thinking as I type".  I expect some stuff may not 
be possible (yet:) or perhaps even a good idea.  If so, please just 
tell me.  Since I've never been organized in any way before in my 
life, I can obviously live without any of it :)

Here's what I want/expect to be able to do and hope someone can tell 
me both what I need to add to my config files and how to use all this 
stuff once it's there:

 - basic Wiki stuff: I assume all I need here is (require 'emacs-wiki) ?

 - basic planner plus the ability to have unfinished tasks carry 
   forward forward

 - remember stuff  (still not sure how this is supposed to work)

    Do I just type things into M-x remember, then slurp them into 
    different buffers later?

 - use bbdb (which I currently don't so will need to populate with 
             data as I go along)

 - use the diary and be able to link between planner/wiki/remeber/bbdb
 - perhaps mark entries as public/private which would affect the way they got 
   published ?

Here's how I think I'd like to work:

 - plan tasks on a daily basis and link to a project
 - plan tasks on a project basis and link to a daily task list
 - schedule my day
 - associate notes with certain tasks both in daily/project pages
   (i.e. I think the notes in the Notes section would be sort of like
    footnotes to the items in the Tasks section

 - associate notes with Schedule items.
   (i.e. I might schedule:

      12:30 | 13:00 | Staff Meeting

    as a scheduled item, but want to make a note down below:

      Ask about mail server migration priority as compared to NFS 
      server project

    In other words, I would like to be able to visually associate 
    notes with the item on the same page that they're meant to go 
    with, not just jumble of notes about different things all mixed 
    together. (if this isn't possible, I can live without it :)

 - link tasks to multiple files.  Any given task may be related to:

   - a daily page where it has a daily prioritization and due date 
     (which gets carried forward indefinitely until it's completed)

   - a project page where it has a project relative prioritization
     (which may be different than it's daily prioritization)

   - a diary entry where I can make lengthy notes about that specific 

  - someway to show what the reality of a day *was* vs. what I had 

    When I plan any given day, it's based on what I think *should* 
    happen that day.  But, for instance, I didn't plan on the 3+ hours
    a network meltdown consumed this morning.  Therefore, all my 
    scheduled items were delayed by 3+ hours, or cancelled entirely.

    Perhaps a mechanism to link each scheduled item to an 
    item-related note in a diary file?

Does all this make sense?


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