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[emacs-wiki-discuss] More planner updates

From: Sacha Chua
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] More planner updates
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 00:37:31 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.110002 (No Gnus v0.2) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

It's been a productive hacking day! =)

Students rarely drop by for consultation. =( Working on open source is
practically my day job, which is not exactly a bad thing. On the side,
I'm still trying to figure out a good research topic for my grad
school application. I'm leaning toward knowledge management,
information visualization, memory augmentation and the like. Okay,
enough buzzwords for now...

Here's the real EmacsWiki news!

* Yvonne Thomson contributed planner-wl.el . Yay! Thanks!

* I finally got around to writing proper note indexes.
  View and publish indexes with planner-note-index.el .
  You can see sample output at


  and a few TODOs at


  Obviously, style needs a little work. I haven't figured out how to
  get my CSS calendar at the right to not overwrite my body text.

* With a prefix, planner-create-task-from-buffer now prompts for a
  plan page. If this would overwrite the annotation, the annotation is
  moved into the task title. This makes it easier to create tasks
  associated with plan pages from non-plan pages. You can now pretend
  that all those reactive tasks are part of a real plan. ;)

* Numerous embarrassing bugfixes, particularly in
  emacs-wiki-escape-link and emacs-wiki-unescape-link. I should keep a
  hall of shame of these so that I get guilt-tripped into typing
  slowly and making fewer typos.

I have tons of fun working on the modules and figuring out how to hack
in whatever people want. Also, I am profoundly ashamed of the errors I
add to the packages, but I'm glad people point them out quickly.

To get the latest version

   tla update

or grab


(Isn't tla update just so much more fun?)

Back to my shameless plugging:

I was thinking about knowledge management, planner, and
remembrance-agent. I'd love to have something like remembrance-agent
index the RSS feeds I read, pick out relevant stuff, and display it in
Emacs (properly formatted, of course). I'd also like it to index my
plan pages (probably hooked).

Other things I'd like to do over summer:

- Related topics! =) That'd be fun. Imagine: M-x planner-related-notes
  or choosing a "Related topics" link brings up a list of related
  topics. Even better if you aggregate other people's entries into
  your own wiki.

- Blog visualization. Chronological, chronological with backlinks and
  categories, visualization of blogs that refer to each other,
  self-organizing maps of a blog's topics...

- Visit AU and NZ. Check out universities and work on becoming a
  Debian Developer. (Must get key signed, among other things.)

Any chance people on this list are working on similar things?
Sacha Chua <address@hidden> - Ateneo CS faculty geekette
interests: emacs, gnu/linux, making computer science education fun

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