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Re: (*) -> 1
From: |
Jean Louis |
Subject: |
Re: (*) -> 1 |
Date: |
Fri, 20 Jan 2023 19:06:41 +0300 |
User-agent: |
Mutt/2.2.9+54 (af2080d) (2022-11-21) |
* Tassilo Horn <tsdh@gnu.org> [2023-01-20 16:14]:
> Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> writes:
> >> Yes, and I think it's seriously wrong with
> >>
> >> : (+)
> >> -> NIL
> >>
> >> where its docs say
> >>
> >> Returns the sum of all num arguments. When one of the arguments
> >> evaluates to NIL, it is returned immediately.
> >
> > For some reason PicoLisp is quite different than other Lisp. I have
> > asked author about it.
> >
> > 15:09 <abu[m]> It is a "feature" that NIL propagates through
> > arithmetics
> Well, but with (*) and (+), there is no single NIL involved! And in
> Elisp (+ nil), where actually a nil is involved, you get an error.
What we can learn from PicoLisp is that there was no use for (*) ➜ 1
and that programs work, GUI applications and Android/Replicant work,
and there was no use of (*) ➜ 1 so far.
Similarly like author of PicoLisp finding use when (*) ➜ NIL, so I
would also find (very rare) use with errors. Even if NIL, I find use
as I will get error raised in combinations like (+ (*) (* 2 2)),
because (+ nil 4) would raise error.
> > 15:09 <jmarciano> How does it help instead of providing identity
> > elements?
> > 15:09 <abu[m]> (*) especially was not contemplated though, it is a
> > pretty useless call
> > [...]
> > 15:12 <abu[m]> What is a call like (*) useful for?
> >
> > As you see, author also asked naturally why is it useful.
> So go and ask why he thinks (apply '+ ()) -> NIL is more useful than 0
> given that the sum of the empty set of numbers _is_ 0.
I will ask.
But docstring does not speak of empty sets. You introduce "sets" where
there is not direct relation to it.
Return sum of any number of arguments, which are numbers or
markers. Of course I get confused.
I ask A, but people say B.
I ask A, but people say C.
I ask A, but people say D.
No answer about A. But there are many introductions of things not
relevant to function itself.
I still believe that there is some actual practical use.
`apply' can be used with (apply '+ '(a b)) as why would you need in
apply for addition two arguments?
If list is with one argument, testing with `cadr' will be known,
otherwise, I use `car' instead of `apply'.
> >> So why does it return NIL? And why do you apparently consider that
> >> useful? And can something be useful even though it is incorrect?
> >
> > I find it right as with error raising or nil I can find what is
> > wrong.
> It's good to signal an error when the expression is wrong as does Elisp
> with
> (+ nil)
> (* 1 2 nil)
> (apply #'+ (list 1 nil 19))
> (+ 2 "i am not a number")
That is exactly my point, what you see useful there, I see too. Making
it less error prone with useless default identity elements hides the
real event preceding the operation.
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- Re: (*) -> 1, Jean Louis, 2023/01/19
- Re: (*) -> 1, Jean Louis, 2023/01/19
- Re: (*) -> 1, Jean Louis, 2023/01/20
- Re: (*) -> 1, Tassilo Horn, 2023/01/20
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- Re: (*) -> 1, Tassilo Horn, 2023/01/20
- Re: (*) -> 1,
Jean Louis <=
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- Re: (*) -> 1, Jean Louis, 2023/01/22
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- Re: (*) -> 1, Emanuel Berg, 2023/01/22
- Re: (*) -> 1, Jean Louis, 2023/01/23
- Re: (*) -> 1, Jean Louis, 2023/01/23
- Re: (*) -> 1, Emanuel Berg, 2023/01/23