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Re: Difficulty using M-x gdb

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Difficulty using M-x gdb
Date: Sun, 05 Feb 2023 17:33:53 +0200

> From: Madhu <enometh@meer.net>
> Date: Sun, 05 Feb 2023 20:56:23 +0530
> Wanted to mention One problem I noticed with M-x gdb is that source code
> buffers end up with permanent local binding of 'gdbmi for the variable
> gud-minor-mode, and this intercepts keys RET and tries to send them to
> the gud comint buffer even when gdb is not in action.  Haven't figured
> out where this happens but I've had to overcome this by setting ``` M-:
> (setq gub-minor-mode nil) ``` in affected buffers.

On which branch?  I don't see this on emacs-29, only on master (where
the changes which cause all this have not been reverted yet, in the
hope that someone will find a better way of fixing the breakage).

> [I share much the same experience with the original poster, and all my
> lost debugging skills on encountering gdb-mi like in a stroke, but I'm
> still making an effort to come to terms with gdb-mi, but its still
> uphill with 80 col screens and being limited to C-x o to switch between
> windows]

Sorry, I don't think I understand what this rant is about.

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