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Re: Emacs's set-frame-size can not work well with gnome-shell?

From: martin rudalics
Subject: Re: Emacs's set-frame-size can not work well with gnome-shell?
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2020 09:41:34 +0100

>> What did you drag with the mode-line?  A Lucid child frame?  And it's
>> slower than dragging a gtk child frame?
> Yes, exactly. Much slower. Resizing is faster, but moving is slower.

I meanwhile can reproduce it here (with my first optimzed Lucid build).
So far no luck in fixing this.

> (I wanted to do the same experiment with a "top-level" frame as well, but 
couldn't find out how.)


(setq default-frame-alist
      '((minibuffer . nil) (undecorated . t) (drag-with-mode-line . t)
        (border-width . 0) (internal-border-width . 8) (drag-internal-border . 
        (menu-bar-lines . 0) (tool-bar-lines . 0)))

because the frame to drag must not have a minibuffer window.  And please
try with gtk and lucid.

Here I can move a top-level Lucid frame and drag its left and top
borders without any problems which seems to prove that the moving
problem is child frame specific.


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