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Re: Maintainers and contributors

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: Maintainers and contributors
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 09:20:54 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

John Wiegley <address@hidden> writes:

> So I'd like to emphasize, to our maintainers, that we must strive to
> make patience, kindness, and consideration, our primary attributes
> when dealing with contributors -- especially those new to the process,
> who are developing their first impressions, and based upon which will
> either continue to help us, or walk away frustrated.
> [This is not a reflection of malfeasance on anyone's part this week;
> simply it is a reminder that our contributors are the lifeblood of our
> project, and will someday soon be taking our place.]

Hopefully.  With regard to that, it's also important that our code is
friendly and welcoming.  It has the potential to annoy people long after
we are gone.  It's a real cost of structuring code based on
legal/licensing considerations rather than technical necessity since
most of the actual coders are more interested in technical than legal
achievements even if the latter may keep their options open better in
the long haul.

David Kastrup

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