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RE: position on changing defaults?

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: position on changing defaults?
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 08:37:33 -0800

> >> Never liked it.  Is it really that popular?
> > That's hard to measure, isn't it?  In _my_ experience it is.
> Never heard anyone complain about blink-matching-open.  I 
> myself find it great: it's very lightweight yet effective.
> I find show-paren-mode too much in-your-face.

I like both show-paren-mode and blink-matching-open. Show-paren-mode shows
the matching paren all the time; blink-matching-open shows it only when you
add a closing paren.

But I use a subtle face for show-paren-mode, so it's not at all in-my-face.
When a face background is only slightly highlighted wrt the frame, it's
noticeable only if you look for it, which you do only when you want it. Find
a face that is noticeable, but not too noticeable, wrt your default
background etc. YMMV.

FWIW, I see no need to change any defaults in this regard. Someone who
programs in Lisp (where paren matching is important) will have no trouble
finding and customizing these things.

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