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Re: How are Windows users supposed to print the PostScript refcards?

From: Michaël Cadilhac
Subject: Re: How are Windows users supposed to print the PostScript refcards?
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 02:36:51 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110007 (No Gnus v0.7) Emacs/22.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Reiner Steib <address@hidden> writes:

> I think adding *.pdf is fine (only ~ 1 MB) for a real benefit of many
> users.

This is one point we all agree on, so let's do it.

> I didn't suggest to remove the PS versions, because on typical
> GNU/Linux systems, the PDF would be converted to PS during the
> printing process (e.g. with CUPS filters) so I'd rather keep the PS
> files.  If size disk space is important, we may gzip the PS files like
> we do for *.el.  Older Unix or GNU/Linux systems might not even be
> able to print PDF while they can handle PS fine.

I do agree.  And I think there's no point saying on the one side ``Hey,
buddy, you can use Emacs on your good'ol MO-5 and your toaster !'' and on
the other side ``What ? You don't have a PDF viewer or converter ? Go
die !''.

I'd go for a patch like the following :

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /sources/emacs/emacs/etc/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -c -r1.13 Makefile
*** Makefile    26 Jul 2007 05:26:03 -0000      1.13
--- Makefile    13 Aug 2007 00:33:12 -0000
*** 27,44 ****
  all: refcards dired-refcards misc-refcards
! refcards: refcard.ps cs-refcard.ps de-refcard.ps fr-refcard.ps \
            pl-refcard.ps pt-br-refcard.ps ru-refcard.ps sk-refcard.ps
! dired-refcards: dired-ref.ps cs-dired-ref.ps fr-drdref.ps sk-dired-ref.ps
  ## No PS files: vipcard.tex viperCard.tex survival.tex sk-survival.tex
! misc-refcards: calccard.ps gnus-booklet.ps gnus-refcard.ps orgcard.ps
  ## Following PS files are not included with Emacs.
! survival-cards: survival.ps cs-survival.ps sk-survival.ps
! viper-cards: vipcard.ps viperCard.ps
  ## dvi files.
--- 27,49 ----
  all: refcards dired-refcards misc-refcards
! REFCARDS = refcard.ps cs-refcard.ps de-refcard.ps fr-refcard.ps \
            pl-refcard.ps pt-br-refcard.ps ru-refcard.ps sk-refcard.ps
+ refcards: ${REFCARDS} ${REFCARDS:.ps=.pdf}
! DIRED-REFCARDS = dired-ref.ps cs-dired-ref.ps fr-drdref.ps sk-dired-ref.ps
! dired-refcards: ${DIRED-REFCARDS} ${DIRED-REFCARDS:.ps=.pdf}
  ## No PS files: vipcard.tex viperCard.tex survival.tex sk-survival.tex
! MISC-REFCARDS = calccard.ps gnus-booklet.ps gnus-refcard.ps orgcard.ps
! misc-refcards: ${MISC-REFCARDS} ${MISC-REFCARDS:.ps=.pdf}
  ## Following PS files are not included with Emacs.
! SURVIVAL-CARDS = survival.ps cs-survival.ps sk-survival.ps
! survival-cards: ${SURVIVAL-CARDS} ${SURVIVAL-CARDS:.ps=.pdf}
! VIPER-CARDS = vipcard.ps viperCard.ps
! viper-cards: ${VIPER-CARDS} ${VIPER-CARDS:.ps=.pdf}
  ## dvi files.
*** 93,98 ****
--- 98,112 ----
        dvips -t letter $< -o $@
+ ## PDF files.
+ ## dvipdf uses dvips to create the PDF file, so use directly
+ ## GhostScript's ps2pdf.
+ ${REFCARDS:.ps=.pdf} ${DIRED-REFCARDS:.ps=.pdf} ${MISC-REFCARDS:.ps=.pdf} \
+ ${SURVIVAL-CARDS:.ps=.pdf} ${VIPER-CARDS:.ps=.pdf}: %.pdf: %.ps
+       ps2pdf $< $@
  .PHONY: mostlyclean clean distclean maintainer-clean unlock relock
So ?

> There's no reason to convert ps-prin0.ps and ps-prin1.ps to PDF.

They weren't in the count, sorry I didn't mention it.

 |   Michaël `Micha' Cadilhac       |       One user is enough.              |
 |   http://michael.cadilhac.name   |    People suck.                        |
 |   JID/MSN:                       |                                        |
 `----  address@hidden  |          -- Tuomo Valkonen        -  --'

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