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Re: [emacs-bidi] Hebrew LyX input method for a US English Dvorak keyboar

From: Amit Ramon
Subject: Re: [emacs-bidi] Hebrew LyX input method for a US English Dvorak keyboard layout
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 00:30:38 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Kenichi Handa <address@hidden> [2010-06-29 11:40 +0900]:

In article <address@hidden>, Amit Ramon <address@hidden> writes:

Bottom line - you don't need to write a new input method in order to
support a non-standard keyboard layout - all you have to do is tell
Emacs about it.

Right, But, for that, Emacs have to know suffiecient number
of layouts.  Currently, it knows only about:
  standard (similar to VT100), sun-type3, atari-german,
  pc102-de, jp106, pkc105-uk

I'm going to add dvorak soon, but, if there's a way to
generate such database (semi-)automatically (perhaps from
XKB database), that's very helpful.

If I may, I would suggest that you call the dvorak layout you plan
to add 'us-dvorak' - this is actually what it is. People may create
layouts for other languages that are also based on the "dvorak
concept" and call them something-dvorak.

As for generating a quail-layout-description from the xkb database,
technically it is, of course, possible, but on how many different
layouts are we talking about? If there are not so many, maybe it would
be simpler to do it manually. The xkb files seem complex to parse.

Kenichi Handa



    Amit    עמית
    Ramon   רמון

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