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[Dolibarr-tasktrack] [Task #836] French DEEE tax (a.k.a. Écotaxe)

From: Doliforge
Subject: [Dolibarr-tasktrack] [Task #836] French DEEE tax (a.k.a. Écotaxe)
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 00:23:12 +0100

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French DEEE tax (a.k.a. Écotaxe)

Latest modifications

2013-12-17 00:23 (Europe/Paris)
I have an external module that is ready for this (ready for Dolibarr 3.4 and +).
Does someone want to be a beta tester of it ?
  • Completion (0-100%): 

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Submitted on:  2013-04-20 17:18 Submitted by:  Raphaël Doursenaud (rdoursenaud)
Last Modified On:  2013-12-08 00:53 
Summary:  French DEEE tax (a.k.a. Écotaxe)
Description:  Displaying the french DEEE tax has been prorogated by Assemblée Nationale until the january 1st, 2020. (See end of this page:

This will be promulgated later and can be followed upcoming revisions of Article L541-10-2 (see:;jsessionid=223272562C2F87D669EC7844042F4826.tpdjo07v_2?idArticle=LEGIARTI000025144834&cidTexte=LEGITEXT000006074220&categorieLien=id&dateTexte=20130701)

We should support managing and displaying this kind of tax in a relativly generic way.
Priority:  9 - Highest Open to Any Developer:  No
Subproject:  Module Tax Assigned to (multiple):  None
Planned for version:   
Start Date:  - End Date:  -
Completion (0-100%):  20 Status:  Open


Laurent Destailleur 2013-12-17 00:23
I have an external module that is ready for this (ready for Dolibarr 3.4 and +).
Does someone want to be a beta tester of it ?
benke 2013-08-05 09:47
new module planned for managing this tax:

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