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[Dolibarr-tasktrack] [Task #498] Add object lines enhancement

From: Doliforge
Subject: [Dolibarr-tasktrack] [Task #498] Add object lines enhancement
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 00:19:16 +0100

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Add object lines enhancement

Latest modifications

2013-12-17 00:19 (Europe/Paris)
Step 1: With 3.5, first step is done: Sharing the same html form tag.
Step 2: is to merge fields
Step 3: is add automatic calculation
  • Completion (0-100%): 

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Submitted by:  Régis Houssin (hregis) Last Modified On:  2013-08-03 11:19
Submitted on:  2012-08-17 21:20 
Summary:  Add object lines enhancement
Description:  autocompletion fields when selecting a predefined product,
can change the price without tax and VAT on products/services predefined,
and free product, automatic calculation of HT or TTC,
Priority:  9 - Highest Open to Any Developer:  No
Subproject:  Ergonomy Assigned to (multiple):  Laurent Destailleur (eldy)
Planned for version:   
Start Date:  2012-08-17 00:00 End Date:  -
Completion (0-100%):  33 Status:  Open


Laurent Destailleur 2013-12-17 00:19
Step 1: With 3.5, first step is done: Sharing the same html form tag.
Step 2: is to merge fields
Step 3: is add automatic calculation
Christophe Battarel 2012-09-06 17:32

there is also task #115 which is still open.

Régis Houssin 2012-09-05 14:25
yes, task #532 is closed
Maxime Kohlhaas 2012-09-05 14:18
Did I create a duplicate with the # 532 task ?

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