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[Dolibarr-tasktrack] [Task #1133] Recurring Invoices for Suppliers

From: Doliforge
Subject: [Dolibarr-tasktrack] [Task #1133] Recurring Invoices for Suppliers
Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2013 00:54:39 +0100

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Recurring Invoices for Suppliers

Latest modifications

2013-12-08 00:54 (Europe/Paris)
  • Assigned to (multiple): 
hregis,jfefe,cbattarel,grandoc,simnandez,agnes,fhenry,eldy,clambert,rdoursenaud,atm-maxime,marcosgdf,atm-alexis,atm-geoffrey ± None

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Last Modified On:  2013-11-11 20:23 Submitted on:  2013-11-11 17:32
Submitted by:  Andriolo Hubert (hubz) 
Summary:  Recurring Invoices for Suppliers
Description:  We cannot define reccuring invoices for suppliers, like on customer's invoices...
When you rent something to a supplier, when you have a contract invoiced each month, etc...
would be interesting to get it on the POOR SIDE of Dolibarr, don't you think ?
Priority:  7 Open to Any Developer:  Yes
Subproject:  Module Suppliers Assigned to (multiple):  None
Planned for version:   
Start Date:  - End Date:  -
Completion (0-100%):  0 Status:  Open


Laurent Destailleur 2013-11-11 20:23
I agree.
I set status "open to any developer" to yes because there is a template to follow (predefined invoices for customer), so it should be easy for an external developer to know how to do this...
Manuel Pintor 2013-11-11 18:08
I know at least 3 different Dolibarr users who'd be glad to find such a feature in Dolibarr.

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