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[Dolibarr-dev] SQL problem with margins module in 3.5.0

From: Marcos García
Subject: [Dolibarr-dev] SQL problem with margins module in 3.5.0
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 22:30:11 +0100

Hi all,

A forum user is complaining about a SQL error that appeared once migrated to 3.5.0 from 3.4.2.

The error is the following one:

Dolibarr ha detectado un error técnico.
He aquí la información que podrá ayudar al diagnóstico:
Fecha: 20140306003055
Dolibarr: 3.5.0
Nivel de funciones: 0
PHP: 5.3.0
Server: Apache/2.2.11 (Win32) PHP/5.3.0

URL solicitada: /dolibarr/margin/productMargins.php
Referer: localhost:8080/dolibarr/margin/customerMargins.php
Gestor de menú: eldy_menu.php

Tipo de gestor de base de datos: mysqli
Petición último acceso a la base de datos erróneo: SELECT p.label, p.rowid, p.fk_product_type, p.ref, d.fk_product, f.rowid as facid, f.facnumber, as total_ht, f.datef, f.paye, f.fk_statut as statut, sum(d.total_ht) as selling_price, sum(IF(d.total_ht <=0,d.qty * d.buy_price_ht * -1,d.qty * d.buy_price_ht)) as buying_price, sum(IF(d.total_ht <=0,-1 * (abs(d.total_ht) - (d.buy_price_ht * d.qty)),d.total_ht - (d.buy_price_ht * d.qty))) as marge FROM llx_societe as s, llx_product as p, llx_facture as f, llx_facturedet as d WHERE f.entity = 1 AND f.fk_soc = s.rowid AND d.fk_product = p.rowid AND f.fk_statut > 0 AND d.fk_facture = f.rowid AND d.buy_price_ht IS NOT NULL AND d.buy_price_ht <> 0 ORDER BY p.ref ASC
Código devuelto último acceso a la base de datos erróneo: DB_ERROR_1140
Información sobre el último acceso a la base de datos erróneo: Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause

Do you guys have got any clue to debug this problem?

Marcos García

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