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Re: Renaissance was (Re: Menu (Was: Re: Unimplemented AppKit classes))

From: Martin Häcker
Subject: Re: Renaissance was (Re: Menu (Was: Re: Unimplemented AppKit classes))
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2003 13:01:50 +0100

Imagine a simple message box with an 'OK' and 'Cancel' button, on Windows those buttons would be aligned in the centre, on a Mac those buttons may be aligned to the right of the window.

Well I do agree to you that on many fronts this sounds tempting and of course many small things could be automated that way.

Internationalization is one of the largest benefits of a higher level user interface description, as the auto-layouter can adjust the whole window so text labels never get truncated.

But this I have to disagree. I am one of the localizers of Fire (fire.sf.net) and I constantly run into issues (though they might seem small at first) where no autolayout I could imagine would help me to solve them.

Instead it is careful twiddling with the many parameters that are at hand that only leads to the desired results of a nice, usable, informative and easy UI.

Well... there is the possibility that my imagination is just too bound to my current tools, but I am very skeptical that an autolayouter can solve those Issues the same way that I can go at them: with my imagination.

Imagine a user who requires all text on the screen to be at least a specific size as they are visually impaired, the auto-layout mechanism can deal with that for every app which uses it, without the developer ever even thinking of supporting Accessibility requirements. If you used specific sizes - this visually imparied person may not be able to use your app, or you would have to write support for it to be enlarged.

(I know this is a rant, but I like the accessibility features of OS X better for that purpose. Of course you can talk to me about this in private)

Dohhhh spent too much time writing this instead of NSToolbar.   :-(

Shame on you... :)

<going back to learning more obj-c>

cu Martin
[ot]coder - hehe

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