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[Classpathx-javamail] some bugs

From: Chris Burdess
Subject: [Classpathx-javamail] some bugs
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 20:33:44 +0000

Hash: SHA1

Kai Müller wrote:
file:package gnu.inet.smtp.SMTPConnection
$Id:,v 1.15 2004/08/07 14:39:46 dog Exp $
1. think SP should be characker #23 ()space and not " SP "

You can't tell this from the spec, but from other implementations I think you're right. I've applied this patch, thanks for spotting it.

2. in methodes
- public boolean mailFrom (String reversePath, ParameterList parameters)
- rcptTo (String forwardPath, ParameterList parameters)

extendet parameters should be a list of key=value pairs and not call to Object.toString() of a list(am i missing something?). imho a map would more naturally represent this kind of data instad of a list of Parameter Classes ?

In fact it is a toString of a ParameterList, i.e. a list of key[=value] objects (the value may be absent). According to the spec it is a list not a map, theoretically you can have duplicate keys.

in file gnu.inet.util.MessageOutputStream
$Id:,v 1.3 2004/06/08 19:05:28 dog Exp $
stuffing is imho wrong implemented. you ar checking for <LF>#46<LF>, but should check for <CRLF>#46 and <LF>#46 otherwise imho dots will be lost in transmision.

No, the delimiter is a dot on a line by itself, not a dot at the beginning of a line.

instead of af a <LF> you schoud use a <CRLF> to get it rfc conform.

The idea is that you chain filter streams in order to produce the desired result. The output of MessageOutputStream is piped through CRLFOutputStream to achieve Telnet CRLF line termination.

you should test linelength >1000 octeds such lines must be splitted.

This is currently tested in the gnu.mail.util.RFC2822OutputStream as it is specific to that revision of the protocol, and not in MessageOutputStream which may also be used for NNTP and other protocols that do not have such restrictions. - -- Chris Burdess
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (Darwin)


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