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RFC: import gnu.crypto.pki

From: Casey Marshall
Subject: RFC: import gnu.crypto.pki
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 10:58:40 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)


For some time I had been developing the X.509 certificate code in
Classpath ( in Jessie, and then moved the code
to GNU Crypto. Since then I've improved the code a great deal over the
original version, which is fairly limited and buggy [1]. The version
in GNU Crypto CVS has:

   - A much more complete and robust X.509 parser.
   - A better, more easily extensible framework.
   - An implementation of the certificate path-checking algorithm
     described in RFC 3280.
   - A large test suite based on NIST's PKITS test suite.

I would like to merge this code back into Classpath, and to maintain
it there. This is desirable, because features of the standard library
(like signed Jar files) depend on having a full X.509 implementation.
It would also be nice to move the PKITS test suite into Mauve (it is
already written to use Mauve's base classes).

Ideally, I think moving everything into Classpath (including GNU
Crypto's algorithms and Jessie's SSL implementation) would be nice,
since then we'd have everything the JDK has, APIs and
implementations. But for now I think the PKI code should go back in.


Casey Marshall || address@hidden


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