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[Chicken-users] Errors building eggs in mingw/msys

From: Ashley Bone
Subject: [Chicken-users] Errors building eggs in mingw/msys
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 01:36:12 -0500

I don't seem to be able to build any eggs in the mingw/msys
environment.  I built chicken using the
mingw-msys makefile.  When I run chicken-setup, eg:

$ chicken-setup -v easyffi

I get this:

executing silex.setup ...
  "/home/ashley/local/bin/csc" -feature compiling-extension -v -s -O2
-d1 silex.scm
The system cannot find the path specified.
Error: shell invocation failed with non-zero return status
"\"/home/ashley/local/bin/csc\" -feature compiling-extension -v -s -O2
-d1 sile...

If I go into silex.egg-dir and run csc manually on silex.scm, I get a
similar problem:

$ csc -feature compiling-extension -v -s -O2 -d1 silex.scm

/home/ashley/local/bin/chicken silex.scm -output-file silex.c -dynamic
-feature chicken-compile-shared -quiet -feature compiling-extension
-optimize-level 2 -debug-level 1
The system cannot find the path specified.
*** Shell command terminated with exit status 1:
/home/ashley/local/bin/chicken silex.scm -output-file silex.c -dynamic
-feature chicken-compile-shared -quiet -feature compiling-extension
-optimize-level 2 -debug-level 1

However, if I run chicken directly, it outputs a C file with no problem:

$ /home/ashley/local/bin/chicken silex.scm -output-file silex.c
-dynamic -feature chicken-compile-shared -quiet -feature
compiling-extension -optimize-level 2 -debug-level 1

That works fine and produces silex.c when run manually.

I had what seemed to be this EXACT same problem when I built chicken
for cygwin, which I solved by copying the cygchicken dll's
to the path containing chicken (or adding the lib directory to the
path, not sure at this point).  I'm at a loss in this case, though I'm
convinced it's something trivial.

Thanks for any help,


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