From: | Brad Pitt |
Subject: | Re: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH] resubmission of win64 patch |
Date: | Mon, 10 Dec 2012 17:18:19 +0400 |
(c)2008-2012 The Chicken Team
(c)2000-2007 Felix L. Winkelmann
Version 4.8.1
windows-mingw32-x86-64 [ 64bit dload ptables ]
compiled 10.12.2012 on rs-pc (MinGW)
#;1> (quit)
c:\vmshare\chicken-core>mingw32-make PLATFORM=mingw PREFIX=C:/hg/chicken-64 ARCH=x86-64 check
mingw32-make -f ./Makefile.mingw CONFIG= check
mingw32-make[1]: Entering directory `c:/vmshare/chicken-core'
cd tests & runtests.bat
Скопировано файлов: 1.
Не удается найти c:\vmshare\chicken-core\tests\*.exe
Не удается найти c:\vmshare\chicken-core\foo.import.*
======================================== compiler tests ...
..\chicken "compiler-tests.scm" -output-file "a.c" -verbose -include-path ..
Error: (append) bad argument type - not a proper list: *
Call history:
<syntax> (##core#begin (assert (= (* (- (expt 2 flonum-precision) 1) (expt 2 (- flonum-maximum-exponent flonu......
<syntax> (assert (= (* (- (expt 2 flonum-precision) 1) (expt 2 (- flonum-maximum-exponent flonum-precision)))...
<syntax> (##core#if (##core#check (= (* (- (expt 2 flonum-precision) 1) (expt 2 (- flonum-maximum-exponent fl......
<syntax> (##core#check (= (* (- (expt 2 flonum-precision) 1) (expt 2 (- flonum-maximum-exponent flonum-precis......
<syntax> (= (* (- (expt 2 flonum-precision) 1) (expt 2 (- flonum-maximum-exponent flonum-precision))) 1.79769......
<syntax> (* (- (expt 2 flonum-precision) 1) (expt 2 (- flonum-maximum-exponent flonum-precision)))
<syntax> (- (expt 2 flonum-precision) 1)
<syntax> (expt 2 flonum-precision)
<syntax> (expt 2 (- flonum-maximum-exponent flonum-precision))
<syntax> (- flonum-maximum-exponent flonum-precision)
<syntax> (string->number "17976931348623157081452742373170435679807056752584499659891747680315726078002853876...
<syntax> (##core#undefined)
<syntax> (##sys#error "(compiler-tests.scm:232) assertion failed" (##core#quote (= (* (- (expt 2 flonum-preci......
<syntax> (##core#quote (= (* (- (expt 2 flonum-precision) 1) (expt 2 (- flonum-maximum-exponent flonum-precis...... <--
Error: shell command terminated with non-zero exit status 70: "..\chicken "compiler-tests.scm" -output-file "a.c" -verbose -include-path .."
mingw32-make[1]: *** [check] Error 1
mingw32-make[1]: Leaving directory `c:/vmshare/chicken-core'
mingw32-make: *** [check] Error 2
Четверг, 6 декабря 2012, 2:58 от Felix <address@hidden>:
Attached is a patch for 64-bit Windows support. I fixed one or
two bugs and added a tiny bit of documentation.
The symbol-GC test fails, with 1 remaining unreclaimable
symbol. "numbers" works, but the test suite fails in
"(expt <fraction> <large int>)", which takes very long and
causes a crash. Apart from that things seem to run ok.
Note that the foreign types "integer" and "unsigned-integer" map to
"long long" and "unsigned long long" (available as "C_long" and
"C_ulong" in C code that uses "chicken.h") on this platform.
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