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wget in cron issue with dns resolution of local server

From: Álvaro Pinel Bueno
Subject: wget in cron issue with dns resolution of local server
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2019 14:55:48 +0100


I realized using wget secheduled in cron always ask to my dns
server local-hostname resolution.

If I try in bash it doesn't happen but in root cron I receive in my dns
server at first the resolution of the hostname of the host with the cron
scheduled and after the resolution of the domain indicated in the
wget command.

For example:

*alv4ro@dummy# crontab -l*
*# m h  dom mon dow   command*
** * * * * **/usr/bin/wget  -q --no-check-certificate -O -
--user-agent=WgetDummy/1.1 --post-data
<http://domain.com>&ip=" "https://otherdomain.com/plain/

In my dns server I receive:
*1. dummy resolution*
*2. otherdomain.com <http://otherdomain.com> resolution*

It's that ok?

Is there any way to disable this behavior?

Thanks in advance,


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