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bug#43688: Proposal to add dictionary lookups

From: Jean Louis
Subject: bug#43688: Proposal to add dictionary lookups
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2020 11:37:54 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.14.0 (2020-05-02)

* Robert Weiner <rsw@gnu.org> [2020-09-30 07:02]:
> As you noted, Hyperbole has the web-based Dictionary option on this menu
> but it sounds like you want a more flexible dictionary lookup solution.
> It would be good if it defaulted to the word at point as well, so we'll
> consider that and look at your setup.  -- Bob

The "look up" function should in my opinion work as follows:

- not only word at point, but if there is region, it should look for
  region, because there is difference between definition of the word
  "going" and the term "going under" and "going ashore" and "going to
  jerusalem". I hope you get the point.

- it should search for local command dico as it is part of GNU system

- if dico does not exist, it should look for dict, local system

- in any case the local command should be customizable as well

- dico and dict, can be then configured which dictionaries to use, by
  default, it should look into local dictionary, then for online
  dictionary, yet that would be outside of Hyperbole

- now when buffer opens with the definition, any word in that buffer
  should be followed with RET for example, while action key should be
  doing what it is doing. RETURN/ENTER would then invoke definition
  for the word at point or region at point. L would come back
  similarly as in Info. Q would quit. I suggest that you see how
  wordnut package works, it uses Wordnet and it works exactly as
  explained. But dico/dict commands can include Wordnet as well, so
  that is only example.

- now if local command does not exist, neither dico, as first being
  from GNU, neither dict, then Hyperbole shall open "!definition WORD"
  in browser on Duckduckcom.go and not just one dictionary. See
  as that looks better search for the word then if we use only:
  "!define hyperbole" in this link:

- the buffer with definitions shall include Hyperbole button on the
  bottom, to look up definitions on Internet as well.

Please include the "Clear Word" function or similar in Hyperbole that
will empower users.

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