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bug#43688: Proposal to add dictionary lookups

From: Robert Weiner
Subject: bug#43688: Proposal to add dictionary lookups
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2020 00:01:55 -0400

As you noted, Hyperbole has the web-based Dictionary option on this menu but it sounds like you want a more flexible dictionary lookup solution.
It would be good if it defaulted to the word at point as well, so we'll consider that and look at your setup.  -- Bob

On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 1:26 AM Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> wrote:
I know there is {C-c /} in Hyperbole to search online Internet and
also dictionaries.

Now imagine, I am reading the epub file within Emacs, and it is shown
in Emacs buffers, or I am reading .txt file like Tom Sawyer book, or
reading email, and there is some word like "conflate", I would like to
quickly look up the word in dictionaries. It would be good that
Hyperbole contains some kind of {C-h h DICTIONARY-KEY-HERE} so that
current word may be looked up straight in dictionary servers.

My quick way of looking up words is to use either offline or online
dictionary servers.

The wordnut package on Elpa is using Wordnet and when definition opens
in new buffer, I can again click Enter on any other word, and get
definition for those other words, I can come back with "l" to previous
definitions or quit the dictionary buffer with "q". Then I made my own
"dict" client client, that I can "s-d" on any word, and I will be
faced with dictionary list and can fetch the definition, if my local
dict server is available, I can fetch it from local, otherwise from
online dictionary server.

dict is usually automatically searching first local servers available,
then remote server as configured.

I am using myself this below to quickly look up words in dictionaries
and also wordnut-search function, it looks up the word under cursor

If Hyperbole has similar feature built-in, I would not need to install
this type of function on new computers and servers I am accessing and
where I am using Emacs.

(setq dict/buffer "*Dict*")

(defun tmpbuf (buf)
   (get-buffer-create (concat "*" buf "*"))))

(defun dict/kill-dict ()
  (kill-buffer dict/buffer))

(defun dictd-dictionaries (&optional host)
  "Returns the list of dictionaries and their names"
  (let* ((command (if host (format "dict -D -h %s" host) "dict -D"))
         (dictionaries (shell-command-to-string command))
         (dictionaries (split-string dictionaries "\n")))
    (pop dictionaries)
    (mapcar 'string-trim dictionaries)))

(defun dict/query ()
  (let* ((word (current-word 1))
         (dictionary (completing-read  "Dictionary: " (dictd-dictionaries)))
         (dictionary (first (split-string dictionary)))
         (dict (format "dict -d %s \"%s\"" dictionary word))
         (statement (shell-command-to-string dict)))
    (get-buffer-create dict/buffer)
    (switch-to-buffer dict/buffer)
    (local-set-key (kbd "q") 'dict/kill-dict)
    (local-set-key (kbd "<return>") 'dict/query)
    (insert statement)
    (goto-char 1)))

(global-set-key (kbd "s-d") 'dict/query)

I use:  Editor:      GNU Emacs 28.0.50 (build 15, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, cairo version 1.14.8, Xaw3d scroll bars)

        Hyperbole:   7.1.2
        Sys Type:    x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
        OS Type:     gnu/linux
        Window Sys:  x
        News Reader: Gnus v5.13

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