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bug#42047: [PATCH 3/3] guix: gc: Support for the Hurd.

From: Jan Nieuwenhuizen
Subject: bug#42047: [PATCH 3/3] guix: gc: Support for the Hurd.
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2020 10:27:38 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.3 (gnu/linux)

Ludovic Courtès writes:


A new day!

> "Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen" <janneke@gnu.org> skribis:
>> * guix/store/roots.scm (proc-environ-roots): Handle EIO, for the Hurd.
>> * gnu/build/hurd-boot.scm (set-hurd-device-translators): Mount /proc.  Add
>> symlink to /etc/mtab.  Remove duplicate calls to 'scope'.
> Nitpick: I see 3 mostly unrelated patches: (1) fix duplicate called to
> ‘scope’, (2) mount /proc, and (3) handle EIO.  I think it’s clearer to
> view them separately.

Yes, I agree.  I will split into 3 patches.

(Initially my plan was to post a DRAFT/RFC for (3) that would either fix
"guix gc", or show us the next error.  Then I needed the other two and
found there was yet another problem...)

>> -  (mkdir* (scope "dev/vcs/1"))
>> -  (mkdir* (scope "dev/vcs/2"))
>> -  (mkdir* (scope "dev/vcs/2"))
> Was it creating like /some/root/some/root/dev/vcs/1?

No... "just" //dev/vcs/1.  However, in my bare-iron experiments I
stumbled upon several "Not a directory", so...just being careful here.

>>    (append-map rhs-file-names
>> -              (split-on-nul
>> -               (call-with-input-file environ
>> -                 get-string-all))))
>> +              (catch 'system-error
>> +                (lambda _
>> +                  (split-on-nul
>> +                   (call-with-input-file environ
>> +                     get-string-all)))
>> +                (lambda args
>> +                  (if (= EIO (system-error-errno args))
>> +                      '()
>> +                      (apply throw args))))))
> This may be papering over a real problem.  Before doing that, I think
> “we” :-) should investigate why procfs returns EIO in some cases and
> look into fixing it.

Sure, let "us" look into that! :)

> Then maybe we can still have the ‘catch’ above, but this time as a
> temporary measure and with a reference to the upstream issue/commit.

Sure, thanks.

So...I think that I found the problem: Using guile-3.0.[34].  This patch

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
diff --git a/gnu/packages/guile.scm b/gnu/packages/guile.scm
index a32bd33293..b191a7b93b 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/guile.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/guile.scm
@@ -312,14 +312,14 @@ without requiring the source code to be rewritten.")
   ;; TODO: Make this 'guile-3.0' on the next rebuild cycle.
     (inherit guile-3.0)
-    (version "3.0.4")
+    (version "3.0.2")
     (source (origin
               (inherit (package-source guile-3.0))
               (uri (string-append "mirror://gnu/guile/guile-"
                                   version ".tar.xz"))
-                "0c8dkyvs6xbxp7rgnhkyakajzhakay7qn9kahj1mj49x5vf4fybb"))))))
+                "12lziar4j27j9whqp2n18427q45y9ghq7gdd8lqhmj1k0lr7vi2k"))))))
 (define-public guile-next
   (deprecated-package "guile-next" guile-3.0))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

fixes guix build...(terrible!)  What shall "we" do with this, maybe
"someone" wants to have a look?  Guess this should find its way into a
Guile bug report?


I checked-out guile master on Debian/Hurd and ran the Guile test suite,
which (apart from known failures) passed.  Leaving that for now.

So, then it "must" be our cross-compiled guile-3.0.4 for the Hurd; best
to check that, right?  Look:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
root@guixydevel ~/guile# ./check-guile -i /run/current-system/profile/bin/guile
Testing /run/current-system/profile/bin/guile ...
WARNING: Use of `load' in declarative module (test-suite guile-test).  Add 
#:declarative? #f to your define-module invocation.
Running 00-initial-env.test
Running 00-repl-server.test
Running 00-socket.test
UNRESOLVED: 00-socket.test: AF_INET6/SOCK_STREAM: bind
UNRESOLVED: 00-socket.test: AF_INET6/SOCK_STREAM: bind/sockaddr
UNRESOLVED: 00-socket.test: AF_INET6/SOCK_STREAM: listen
UNRESOLVED: 00-socket.test: AF_INET6/SOCK_STREAM: connect
UNRESOLVED: 00-socket.test: AF_INET6/SOCK_STREAM: connect/sockaddr
UNRESOLVED: 00-socket.test: AF_INET6/SOCK_STREAM: accept
Running asyncs.test
ERROR: asyncs.test: preemption via sigprof - arguments: ((system-error 
"setitimer" "~A" ("Function not implemented") (1073741902)))
Running bytevectors.test
FAIL: bytevectors.test: 2.8 Operations on IEEE-754 Representations: 
bytevector-ieee-single-native-{ref,set!} (compile -O2)
FAIL: bytevectors.test: 2.8 Operations on IEEE-754 Representations: 
bytevector-ieee-double-native-{ref,set!} (compile -O2)
Running ftw.test
ERROR: ftw.test: file-system-fold: test-suite - arguments: ((match-error 
"match" "no matching pattern" ((error 
FAIL: ftw.test: file-system-fold: test-suite (never enter) - arguments: 
(expected-value ((skip 
"/tmp/guix-build-guile-3.0.4.drv-0/guile-3.0.4/test-suite")) actual-value 
((error "/tmp/guix-build-guile-3.0.4.drv-0/guile-3.0.4/test-suite")))
FAIL: ftw.test: file-system-fold: test-suite/lib.scm (flat file) - arguments: 
(expected-value ((leaf 
actual-value ((error 
UNRESOLVED: ftw.test: file-system-fold: EACCES
ERROR: ftw.test: file-system-tree: test-suite (never enter) - arguments: 
((match-error "match" "no matching pattern" #f))
ERROR: ftw.test: file-system-tree: test-suite/* - arguments: ((match-error 
"match" "no matching pattern" #f))
ERROR: ftw.test: file-system-tree: test-suite (recursive) - arguments: 
((match-error "match" "no matching pattern" #f))
ERROR: ftw.test: scandir: top-srcdir - arguments: ((match-error "match" "no 
matching pattern" #f))
ERROR: ftw.test: scandir: test-suite - arguments: ((match-error "match" "no 
matching pattern" #f))
FAIL: ftw.test: scandir: no select
Running popen.test
;;; note: auto-compilation is enabled, set GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0
;;;       or pass the --no-auto-compile argument to disable.
;;; compiling /root/guile/module/ice-9/command-line.scm
;;; compiling /root/guile/module/system/base/compile.scm
;;; it seems /root/guile/module/system/base/compile.scm
;;; is part of the compiler; skipping auto-compilation
;;; compiling /root/guile/module/system/base/language.scm
;;; WARNING: compilation of /root/guile/module/system/base/language.scm failed:
;;; In procedure variable-ref: variable is unbound: #<variable 3882d0 value: 
;;; compiling /root/guile/module/system/base/syntax.scm
Running ports.test
ERROR: ports.test: %file-port-name-canonicalization: absolute canonicalization 
from ice-9 - arguments: ((system-error "canonicalize-path" "~A" ("No such file 
or directory") (1073741826)))
Running signals.test
ERROR: signals.test: setitimer: current itimers are 0: ITIMER_VIRTUAL - 
arguments: ((system-error "setitimer" "~A" ("Function not implemented") 
ERROR: signals.test: setitimer: current itimers are 0: ITIMER_PROF - arguments: 
((system-error "setitimer" "~A" ("Function not implemented") (1073741902)))
ERROR: signals.test: setitimer: setting values correctly: initial setting - 
arguments: ((system-error "setitimer" "~A" ("Function not implemented") 
ERROR: signals.test: setitimer: setting values correctly: reset to zero - 
arguments: ((system-error "setitimer" "~A" ("Function not implemented") 
ERROR: signals.test: setitimer: usecs > 1e6: initial setting - arguments: 
((system-error "setitimer" "~A" ("Function not implemented") (1073741902)))
ERROR: signals.test: setitimer: usecs > 1e6: reset to zero - arguments: 
((system-error "setitimer" "~A" ("Function not implemented") (1073741902)))
Running srfi-18.test
FAIL: srfi-18.test: thread-sleep!: thread sleeps fractions of a second
Running srfi-4.test
FAIL: srfi-4.test: f32 vectors: f32vector-ref
FAIL: srfi-4.test: f32 vectors: f32vector-set!/ref
FAIL: srfi-4.test: f32 vectors: f32vector->list/array->list
FAIL: srfi-4.test: f64 vectors: f64vector-ref
FAIL: srfi-4.test: f64 vectors: f64vector-set!/ref
FAIL: srfi-4.test: f64 vectors: f64vector->list/array->list
FAIL: srfi-4.test: c32 vectors: c32vector-ref
FAIL: srfi-4.test: c32 vectors: c32vector-set!/ref
FAIL: srfi-4.test: c32 vectors: c32vector->list/array->list
FAIL: srfi-4.test: c32 vectors: array-ref
FAIL: srfi-4.test: c64 vectors: c64vector-ref
FAIL: srfi-4.test: c64 vectors: c64vector-set!/ref
FAIL: srfi-4.test: c64 vectors: c64vector->list/list->c64vector
FAIL: srfi-4.test: c64 vectors: c64vector->list/array->list
FAIL: srfi-4.test: c64 vectors: array-ref
Running suspendable-ports.test
warning: call to primitive-fork while multiple threads are running;
         further behavior unspecified.  See "Processes" in the
         manual, for more information.
ERROR: suspendable-ports.test: %file-port-name-canonicalization: absolute 
canonicalization from ice-9 - arguments: ((system-error "canonicalize-path" 
"~A" ("No such file or directory") (1073741826)))
Running weaks.test
ERROR: weaks.test: weak-hash: assoc can do anything - arguments: ((out-of-range 
#f "Value out of range ~S to ~S: ~S" (1 4294967295 18446744073709551615) 
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Some of these are "known" and I didn't run a "baseline" using 3.0.2
(which works).  However the srfi-4 and bytevector look real bad to me.

(FTW could also be real bad, but running "find-files" from (guix build
utils) by hand just works; looks like a compilation-time file name
problem with the/how I ran the/ test-suite.?)


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond http://lilypond.org
Freelance IT http://JoyofSource.com | Avatar® http://AvatarAcademy.com

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