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[bug #65619] [afmtodit] want a default value for space width if unspecif

From: Deri James
Subject: [bug #65619] [afmtodit] want a default value for space width if unspecified
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2024 20:17:01 -0400 (EDT)

Follow-up Comment #8, bug #65619 (group groff):

[comment #7 comment #7:]
> As a refresher, I'm wondering what should be done about some of the space
glyphs identified in comment #5.

> So, check for "space", "uni0020", and "uni00A0" in that order?


> sterlingmonospace;FFE1

This is not a space it's '£' FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN

> ideographicspace;3000


> nbspace;00A0

This is uni00A0 (see above)

> spacehackarabic;0020

Same as uni0020.

> Advice desired.

Attached are three PDFs.

UniSpaces.pdf: Documents any glyph in the unifont.ttf font (which covers
0000-FFFE) where the unicode name includes 'space'. This is a mono-spaced font
so the widths given are not particulary helpful.

TinosSpace.pdf: Similar, but covering the Tinos-Regular.ttf font, which gives
proportional widths (the 4 fields in the first line of each glyph are:
unicode, groff name, width, postscript name).

U-TR: Just showing off my new font tool for a complete font. :-)

My take is that EM SPACE and EN SPACE are too large, and EM divisions would be
unreliable, so I think the glyphs suggested above is what I will use to
calculate 'spacewidth'. 

(file #56142, file #56143, file #56144)


Additional Item Attachment:

File name: UniSpaces.pdf                  Size: 15KiB

File name: U-TR.pdf                       Size: 415KiB

File name: TinosSpace.pdf                 Size: 19KiB


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