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bug#58928: 29.0.50; overlays in org-mode are disrupted after call `org-c

From: Gerd Möllmann
Subject: bug#58928: 29.0.50; overlays in org-mode are disrupted after call `org-capture`
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2022 08:50:52 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.4.1

On 01.11.22 08:11, Eli Qian wrote:
This is my first bug reporting, so I apologize if there are any omissions.

On Tue, Nov 01 2022, Gerd Möllmann <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com> wrote:

I've evaluated the form above as-is in *scratch*, and done the S-tab.
I now have 4 lines looking like "* DONE test..." in the buffer.

After Step 4, save the buffer to "~/test.org". Now You have 4 lines looking
like "* DONE test..." in "~/test.org".

In Step 5, the actual code is

(setq org-capture-templates
      '(("l" "global notes" entry (file "~/test.org")
           "* %?"
           :prepend t
           :empty-lines 0)))
6. Call `org-capture` in test.org buffer, and type something.

M-x org-capture RET in test.org asks me what template to use, and I
choose 'l'.  I then type something and hit C-c C-c.  It asks me to let
it create a directory ~/org, and I let it do that.  What I see after
that in the test.log buffer looks like it did before.  There are same 4

What am I doing wrong?

(This is current master.)

Step 6:
M-x org-capture RET in test.org , you will see the capture buffer appears
on the right, while test.org buffer on the left. Then type something,
you will see the text in test.org buffer disrupted.

Thanks, that worked.  (It's not a big deal, but please keep the others
in the CC.)

What I see now is that I have 2 windows.  One is showing test.org, the
other is a buffer CAPTURE-test.org.  While typing in CAPTURE-test.org,
the text in test.org is mangled with each key stroke.  The invisible
parts (...) are moved around in test.org.  C-l doesn't change anything.

Running with --enable-checking and ASAN doesn't show anything.

Do we have someone who knows Org internals, and can tell what exactly typing in CAPTURE-test.org does, presumably with overlays?

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