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bug#57434: 28.1.91; Terminal Emacs Mac OS flickering.

From: Dmitrii Kuragin
Subject: bug#57434: 28.1.91; Terminal Emacs Mac OS flickering.
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2022 10:22:29 -0700

On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 9:59 AM Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> wrote:
> From: Dmitrii Kuragin <kuragin@google.com>
> Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2022 09:34:24 -0700
> Cc: Gerd Möllmann <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com>,
>       57434@debbugs.gnu.org
>  So given all of this, can you tell whether Emacs does TRT here?  That
>  is:
> Sorry, what does TRT mean?

The Right Thing

>    . are all the capabilities that are supposed to be available for
>      these two flags are indeed available?
> How can I verify it?

By looking at all the tput calls we emit during the problematic code,
I guess.
I'd be more than happy to try it, but I am not sure I can do that w/o help. 

>    . do we need to check any additional capabilities, which are in fact
>      used in the problematic scenario, but not tested as part of
>      setting these two flags?
> It makes sense to me, but since the output is still correct after the glitch, doesn't it mean that capabilities work
> correctly?

The flickering isn't supposed to happen. 

Btw, can you figure out which screen lines flicker?  Do all of them
flicker, or just some?  And if you disable relative line-numbers
(i.e. use absolute line-numbers), do the lines still flicker? all of
w/o relative line number, the problematic code doesn't trigger and there is no flickering. 

Flickering appears once there is some load on redrawing (line numbers, themes, lh mode, etc...). The line numbers expose that the most.

Flickering region is always the same for the same cursor position. I previously messaged it in 
>>> Flickering is consistent for some specific area. If I scroll between 2 lines, back-and-forth Emacs flickers consistently.

So, it flickers consistently at the same area and it correlates with the queue values (window, pos) in scroll.c when the const estimation decides to use insertion instead of writing.
See scroll.c:do_direct_scrolling:697.

Where can I upload video so you can see the behavior?

>  E.g., Dmitrii, do you have some
>  display-related software/driver that has some "optimization" features
>  turned on?  If so, can you turn them off and try again?

Did you try looking for such features on your system?
I was looking around and didn't find anything specific. The new M1 Pro has some rendering optimizations, but I tried a different option and it didn't change anything.

BTW, I experience quite the same thing as in https://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/help-gnu-emacs/2018-04/msg00304.html 
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