Dear Dr. Susan Bassein and Karl Berry,
Thank you for your responses with advice on setting up DAP. I tried to set DAP up on Cygwin, but was unsuccessful. First I downloaded the default package of Cygwin; though the default program is missing the 'make' unix command. Then I found out how to download Cygwin with 'make' but after running the './configure' command some required configuration elements were not found. Without these 'make' did not execute completely, terminating abruptly. I tried to download the complete non-default Cygwin, but it's size was too large and stopped after 40% completion. I was able to do the initial 'de-tarring' of 'dap-3.7' using the default Cygwin, making file folders 'src,' 'doc,' and 'examples.' However, I never got to the point where the 'executables,' 'includes,' 'library,' and 'info' files become installed in subdirectories 'bin,' 'include,' 'lib,' and 'info' of '/usr/local'. Lastly, when reading some online discussions of Cygwin, I
found it has difficulty executing the 'rehash' command, the last step of
I welcome any further thoughts you may have on running DAP through Windows98. Someone suggested I look into the free linux-type cd program called Ubuntu. I'm also looking for access to a machine that already runs unix. My unix programming skills are at the beginner level; so I welcome any further explanation of the DAP unix installation and start-up instructions. I regret I was unable to get far with this set-up. I wasn't able to access the manual; as the 'info' subdirectory was not created. Thank you for reading of my attempts, and sharing with me your time, thoughts, and assistance.
--- On Sat, 9/13/08, Susan B. <address@hidden> wrote:
From: Susan B. <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: A Basic Question for DAP from a Novice.
To: "Karl Berry" <address@hidden>
Cc: address@hidden, address@hidden
Date: Saturday, September 13, 2008, 3:58 PM
Dear David, Karl:
DAP runs only under UNIX or UNIX-like systems. You can run cygwin
( under some versions of Windows (at least XP) and that provides
a UNIX-like environment under which you can run DAP. You can also install some
version of UNIX as a dual-boot operating system along with your Windows.
----- Correo de Karl Berry del 12/09/2008 04:55 p.m. -----
Hi David,
Would I be able to download and run the DAP program? on? my
Windows 98
Unfortunately, I think the DAP sources would not even come close to
compiling under Windows 98. I don't know if Susan (the author) or
anyone has ever built it on any version of Windows.
The only alternative that comes to mind is to install GNU/Linux on your
machine that's running Windows 98 now! I know that's a rather
change ...
Best wishes,