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Re: [Axiom-developer] documentation

From: Mike Dewar
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] documentation
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 11:11:35 +0100

Hi Guys,

The statement that "there is apparently no issue from the original
authors" is true but slightly misleading.  NAG owns the copyright on the
book, not the original authors (principally Dick Jenks and Bob Sutor
along with about a dozen other contributors including Tim and I), so the
original authors don't formally have any say in the matter.  Personally
I would hope that any revision would still be Jenks & Sutor (& Daly or
whoever) but I'm not sure whether that is morally or legally acceptable
without consulting them.  If there are plans to substantially revise the
book, whether as an electronic or print edition, I hope that somebody
will give this question some thought.

Cheers, Mike.

On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 06:41:16PM +0200, David MENTRE wrote:
> Hello Tim,
> root <address@hidden> writes:
> > we can get a paper version made. 
> If you publish it, it would be nice (and useful for Axiom fame) if you
> can negotiate some kind of "Free Publication", i.e. anybody would be
> able to reprint the book or modify it. From the previous email of Mike
> Dewar, there is apparently no issue from the original authors (great!).
> I know that O'Reilly has done that is the past (for a Linux book). I
> don't know if they are still open to such idea.
> Otherwise, we could envision to publish the book ourselves, by an Axiom
> Fondation for example. It could provide some cash to sustain further
> Axiom development, conference, dedicated web site, or journal. However I
> don't know the risk or cost of such an option. 
> Personally, I would be ready to pay some dollars or euros to have a
> printed version.
> You could ask to the ACL2 people, they are selling two ACL2 books (25$
> each) that were previously sold by a classical editor.
> Yours,
> d.
> -- 
>  address@hidden
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