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[avrdude-dev] Re: WinAVR

From: Brian Dean
Subject: [avrdude-dev] Re: WinAVR
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 11:02:15 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

On Fri, Aug 26, 2005 at 03:02:33PM -0600, E. Weddington wrote:

> I wanted to let you know that I'm starting the process for a new
> WinAVR version, hopefully to be released in early September. So I'll
> definitely be looking for a possible avrdude 5.0 release. I'll be
> interested in any pending patches and fixes for bugs. Also I should
> have a little bit of time to help in committing patches and such.

Thanks for the heads up, Eric.  We do still have a few outstanding
patches and an issue of memory verification using the new STK500V2
programmer and I think that may extend over to the JTAG MkII also.
Also, a new bit-bang serial programmer is in the works, hopefully that
will be ready soon and be committed.  Additionally, I think USB
programmer support is also very close, though last I saw there were
some performance issues but the functionality is there.  Beyond that,
there are still some patches pending in the queue.  Hopefully we can
do a simultaneous release and your WinAVR will be able to include the
latest release of AVRDUDE.

Brian Dean
ATmega128 based MAVRIC controllers

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