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[avr-gcc-list] WinAVR 20071221 Released

From: Weddington, Eric
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] WinAVR 20071221 Released
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 23:15:56 -0700

Hi All,

It's finally here, just in time for the holidays! WinAVR 20071221.

Very Special Thanks to all the contributors and all the toolchain
maintainers: Joerg Wunsch, Anatoly Sokolov, Dmitry Xmelkov, Denis
Chertykov, Marek Michalkiewicz, and anyone else I may have forgotten.

Because we're going into the holiday season, if there are any problems
with this release, they will be addressed after the New Year.

Below is just a sample of what's new.

- Added support for these devices:

* AT90PWM216
* AT90PWM316
* ATtiny43U
* ATtiny48
* ATtiny88
* ATmega48P
* ATmega88P
* ATmega168P
* ATmega328P
* ATmega1284P
* ATmega32HVB

- Binutils 2.18

New version.

- GCC 4.2.2

New version.

- avr-libc 1.6.0

New version.

Two new APIs that allow you to specify fuses and lockbits in your
application. This fuse and lockbit data is then stored in special
sections in the ELF file which programming software can then use to
program the AVR.
This means that a single file (ELF) now contains all information needed
to program the AVR.

A completely rewritten floating-point library, contributed by Dmitry
Xmelkov. It is smaller and faster, but as it's an almost full rewrite.

A rewritten and much extended <avr/interrupt.h>, contributed by Dean
Camera. This re-introduces the availability for a macro that can be used
to declare an ISR that starts with interrupts initially enabled, but
also simplifies declaring "naked" ISRs, and includes ISR aliasing
features as well.

The older ISR_ALIAS() macro has been deprecated in favour of the
ISR_ALIASOF() attribute to the rewritten ISR() macro.

An <util/setbaud.h> helper file, contributed by Cliff Lawson and Carlos
Lamas. The idea behind that file is to provide a simple preprocessor
logic for the calculation of AVR baud rate prescaler values, which also
includes a check against a pre-defined acceptable baud-rate tolerance (2
% by default), and also automatically suggesting the use of the U2X bit
when it's necessary in order to achieve the baud-rate tolerance.

An <util/atomic.h> file, also contributed by Dean Camera. This offers a
nice wrapper to make certain brace-blocks in an application atomic with
respect to being not interrupted.

- avrdude 5.5

New version.

- GDB / Insight 6.6

New version.

- AVaRICE 2.7

New version.

- SRecord 1.37

New version.

- Moved location of examples

The location of the avr-libc example programs has been moved from
<install>\examples to <install>\doc\avr-libc\examples. This was done to
ensure that documentation links are not broken.

- GCC Ada compiler for the AVR

- AVR-Ada 0.5.2: Run Time System for the Ada compiler

- GCC Objective-C compiler for the AVR

Eric Weddington

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