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[avr-gcc-list] if test ignored?

From: Rick Mann
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] if test ignored?
Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 20:39:32 -0700

On an AVR ATmega128:

I have two source files. In Serial.c, I define a global:
char    sCommandReceived;

in the corresponding Serial.h file, I have:

extern char sCommandReceived;

sCommandReceived is set to 1 when enough bytes have been copied into a buffer from the serial port. In main.c, which includes Serial.h, I have:

        while (true)
                if (sCommandReceived)

If I break on the if statement, gdb tells me that sCommandReceived is 1. However, a breakpoint in parseCommand(), defined earlier in the file, never gets called. If I call parseCommand() directly from the USART receive interrupt handler, it gets called. (parseCommand() then clears sCommandReceived).

What am I missing?


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