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[avr-chat] issues with custom bootloader and ATMega32

From: Alexander Krause
Subject: [avr-chat] issues with custom bootloader and ATMega32
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 13:46:13 +0100

Hi all,

I started to write a bootloader for RS485/ModBus and am stuck for quite
a while now.

In general I've three issues.

First of all, it seems like my IRQ's are not working when I put the code
into the boot section.

I've choosen 2048 bytes bootsize, which will start at byte address
0x3800 equals word address 0x1C00 .
Fuses are:

My program starts like this:
int __attribute__((noreturn)) main(void) {
        MCUCR = (1 << IVCE);
        MCUCR = (1 << IVSEL);

So that should work, but It doesn't :-(

Well, since I've to shorten my code as far as possible I simply decided
to use polling instead of IRQs (saves me the cli, sbi and some other
things ~100bytes less code).

This raises the question if I can short the bootloaders interrupt table
somehow? At the moment it looks like this:
    1c00:       4f c0           rjmp    .+158           ; 0x1ca0 <__ctors_end>
    1c02:       00 00           nop
    1c04:       5d c0           rjmp    .+186           ; 0x1cc0 
    1c06:       00 00           nop
    1c08:       5b c0           rjmp    .+182           ; 0x1cc0 
    1c0a:       00 00           nop
    1c0c:       59 c0           rjmp    .+178           ; 0x1cc0 
    1c0e:       00 00           nop
    1c10:       57 c0           rjmp    .+174           ; 0x1cc0 
    1c12:       00 00           nop
    1c14:       55 c0           rjmp    .+170           ; 0x1cc0 
    1c16:       00 00           nop
    1c18:       53 c0           rjmp    .+166           ; 0x1cc0 
    1c1a:       00 00           nop
    1c1c:       51 c0           rjmp    .+162           ; 0x1cc0 
    1c1e:       00 00           nop
    1c20:       4f c0           rjmp    .+158           ; 0x1cc0 
    1c22:       00 00           nop
    1c24:       4d c0           rjmp    .+154           ; 0x1cc0 
    1c26:       00 00           nop
    1c28:       4b c0           rjmp    .+150           ; 0x1cc0 
    1c2a:       00 00           nop
    1c2c:       49 c0           rjmp    .+146           ; 0x1cc0 
    1c2e:       00 00           nop
    1c30:       47 c0           rjmp    .+142           ; 0x1cc0 
    1c32:       00 00           nop
    1c34:       45 c0           rjmp    .+138           ; 0x1cc0 
    1c36:       00 00           nop
    1c38:       43 c0           rjmp    .+134           ; 0x1cc0 
    1c3a:       00 00           nop
    1c3c:       41 c0           rjmp    .+130           ; 0x1cc0 
    1c3e:       00 00           nop
    1c40:       3f c0           rjmp    .+126           ; 0x1cc0 
    1c42:       00 00           nop
    1c44:       3d c0           rjmp    .+122           ; 0x1cc0 
    1c46:       00 00           nop
    1c48:       3b c0           rjmp    .+118           ; 0x1cc0 
    1c4a:       00 00           nop
    1c4c:       39 c0           rjmp    .+114           ; 0x1cc0 
    1c4e:       00 00           nop
    1c50:       37 c0           rjmp    .+110           ; 0x1cc0 

Can't I simply tell GCC to not use/generate such a table since there'll
be no IRQ anyway.

The last and biggest issue is that I'm not able to write via the SPM

I tried this with a minimalistic piece of code:
void spm_write_page(uint32_t page) {
        uint8_t i;
        boot_spm_busy_wait();      // Wait until the memory is erased.

        for (i=0; i<SPM_PAGESIZE; i+=2) {
                boot_page_fill(page + i, i);

        boot_page_write(page);     // Store buffer in flash page.
        boot_spm_busy_wait();       // Wait until the memory is written.

        // Reenable RWW-section again. We need this if we want to jump back
        // to the application after bootloading.


int __attribute__((noreturn)) main(void) {

However, when I dump my Flash there is no valid data in the first page:
0000000 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff
0001c00 c04f 0000 c05d 0000 c05b 0000 c059 0000
0001c10 c057 0000 c055 0000 c053 0000 c051 0000
0001c20 c04f 0000 c04d 0000 c04b 0000 c049 0000
0001c30 c047 0000 c045 0000 c043 0000 c041 0000
0001c40 c03f 0000 c03d 0000 c03b 0000 c039 0000

Thanks a lot for reading. I'd be very grateful for any help.


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