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[avr-chat] Variable Pinouts - How do you do it?

From: Johannes Bauer
Subject: [avr-chat] Variable Pinouts - How do you do it?
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 16:16:41 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (X11/20051015)

Hello list,

I've got a question on how you handle variable pinouts of you uC
hardware. As I wan't to be as flexible as possible, I've developed a
kind of practice which I'd like to discuss here (bad idea? How can I do

Currently, I'm creating a pinout.txt file, which looks like this:

PC6                     LED_Red                 1       1
PC7                     LED_Green               1       1
PC5                     LED_Yellow              1       -1

First column is the Portpin, second one is the description. The third
parameter tells my preprocessor to generate LowLevel-Function
(LED_Red_Output(), LED_Red_Input(), LED_Red_Set0(), LED_Read_Set1()),
the fourth parameter tells the preprocessor to also generate
HighLevel-Functions (_On(), _Off()). When the fourth argument is
negative it means that the Pin is Low-Active (e.g. a LED which is wired
agains +5V).

This is pretty neat and useful - porting on other uCs is really easy
that way. The problem is the generated code. Say I have


This translates ultimately to:

 (*(volatile uint8_t *)((0x14) + 0x20)) |= (1<<6);
 (*(volatile uint8_t *)((0x14) + 0x20)) |= (1<<5);
 (*(volatile uint8_t *)((0x14) + 0x20)) |= (1<<7);

Which then gives:

     5dc:       a6 9a           sbi     0x14, 6 ; 20
     5de:       a5 9a           sbi     0x14, 5 ; 20
     5e0:       a7 9a           sbi     0x14, 7 ; 20

Of course these two are different:

DDRD |= (1<<6) | (1<<5) | (1<<7);


DDRD |= (1<<6);
DDRD |= (1<<5);
DDRD |= (1<<7);

As in the latter case, each ORing of the bits is done in it's own
clockcycle. However, the thing the programmer usually _means_ IMHO is
the first one. Therefore, could an optimization be implemented which
upon getting some special switch like -fcombine-bitoperations combines
operations on the Registers <0x60 into something of the sort:

     5e4:       81 b3           in      r24, 0x11       ; 17
     5e6:       80 6e           ori     r24, 0xE0       ; 224
     5e8:       81 bb           out     0x11, r24       ; 17

This doesn't make sense when there are only three instructions, but if
four instructions would be used, it would make sense.

Also code of the kind:

DDRD |= (1<<6) | (1<<7) | (1<<5);
DDRD &= ~((1<<3) | (1<<4));

Currently translates to:

     5e4:       81 b3           in      r24, 0x11       ; 17
     5e6:       80 6e           ori     r24, 0xE0       ; 224
     5e8:       81 bb           out     0x11, r24       ; 17
     5ea:       81 b3           in      r24, 0x11       ; 17
     5ec:       87 7e           andi    r24, 0xE7       ; 231
     5ee:       81 bb           out     0x11, r24       ; 17

(BTW, I don't know why actually there is the second "in" instruction in
there... isn't that useless?)

After this optimization, we'd have

     5e4:       81 b3           in      r24, 0x11       ; 17
     5e6:       80 6e           ori     r24, 0xE0       ; 224
     5ec:       87 7e           andi    r24, 0xE7       ; 231
     5ee:       81 bb           out     0x11, r24       ; 17

Also code would need to be rearranged for full use:

DDRD |= (1<<4); PORTD |= (1<<4);
DDRD |= (1<<5); PORTD |= (1<<5);
DDRD |= (1<<6); PORTD |= (1<<6);
DDRD |= (1<<7); PORTD |= (1<<7);

Currently becomes:

     5e4:       8c 9a           sbi     0x11, 4 ; 17
     5e6:       94 9a           sbi     0x12, 4 ; 18
     5e8:       8d 9a           sbi     0x11, 5 ; 17
     5ea:       95 9a           sbi     0x12, 5 ; 18
     5ec:       8e 9a           sbi     0x11, 6 ; 17
     5ee:       96 9a           sbi     0x12, 6 ; 18
     5f0:       8f 9a           sbi     0x11, 7 ; 17
     5f2:       97 9a           sbi     0x12, 7 ; 18

But could be optimized to:

     5e4:       81 b3           in      r24, 0x11       ; 17
     5e6:       80 6f           ori     r24, 0xF0       ; 240
     5e8:       81 bb           out     0x11, r24       ; 17
     5ea:       82 b3           in      r24, 0x12       ; 18
     5ec:       80 6f           ori     r24, 0xF0       ; 240
     5ee:       82 bb           out     0x12, r24       ; 18

I'd be really interested in how you keep your programs as portable as
possible. Please enlighten me on how you deal with that problem :-)


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