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Retrieving modules from CVS...

From: Ben Meyer
Subject: Retrieving modules from CVS...
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 17:34:50 -0800 (PST)

I am looking to convert my projects from using only a
Makefile to using AutoMake and AutoConf. A while ago
this would not have been a problem, but I have since
added functionality into my Makefiles to retreive some
code from CVS, for instance a C/C++ TCP class.

The Makefile uses the syntax:

Shared_Modules: Shared/
        make -C Shared/

And then the Makefile in Shared/ follows the syntax:

CVS = cvs
TCP:    TCP/
        $(CVS) export -r $(TCP_RELEASE) TCP

Note: I use the standard CVSROOT in the environment
variable. I intend on providing information so that
other people can modify the CVS variable when
accessing it off-site (i.e. the whole :ext:address@hidden

I use this in order to be able to make the project use
the latest code from my CVS. From what I could tell
from the AutoConf manual (and a quick search of the
Mailing list archives) this may not be possible using
AutoConf.  Is there a way that I can keep this
functionality and still use AutoConf & AutoMake?

Help is much appreciated!


Benjamen R. Meyer

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