From: | jfbu |
Subject: | Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018 |
Date: | Thu, 24 May 2018 00:24:19 +0200 |
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Hi Keita (still top-posting) I have an "in principle" solution, although it will look a bit complicated. First I will explain proof of principle, then concrete implementation. I hope you can incorporate that in AUCTeX. STEP I: generation of format. I will explain first the proof of principle and later how to make in practice. Imagine we can make sure the preamble of our document is like in this file : ---- primárias.tex \documentclass{article} \catcode`/ 0 \def\AUCTEXINPUT#1{\catcode`/ 12\relax\input{\detokenize{#1}}} \begin{document} Hello \end{document} ---- Generate format via this kind of invocation: (bash shell) etex -ini \&pdflatex mylatex.ltx {\\detokenize{testmylátex.tex}} STEP II. Use of format. This will go via this kind of invocation: (bash shell) pdflatex \&mylatex /AUCTEXINPUT{testmylátex.tex} It works in my testing. Now this was proof of principle. How to insert the special code \catcode`/ 0 \def\AUCTEXINPUT#1{\catcode`/ 12\relax\input{\detokenize{#1}}} ? We need it to make it into the format. This is where the kind of hack you reported as already present in AUCTeX can be used. It was \ifx\pdfoutput\undefined\else\let\PREVIEWdump\dump\def\dump{% \edef\next{{\catcode`\ 9 \pdfoutput=\the\pdfoutput\relax\the\everyjob}}\everyjob\next\catcode`\ 10 \let\dump\PREVIEWdump\dump}\fi\input mylatex.ltx \relax I am not sure why this, but anyway the point is that \dump is the last thing executed by \begin{document} when mylatex.ltx is in use to generate a format. So the above hacks \dump. We can hack it too to insert what we want from above. Putting altogether : 1. We need file prv_testmylátex.ini to be \ifx\pdfoutput\undefined\else\let\PREVIEWdump\dump\def\dump{% \edef\next{{\catcode`\ 9 \pdfoutput=\the\pdfoutput\relax\the\everyjob}}% \everyjob\next\catcode`\ 10 % \catcode`/ 0 % \def\AUCTEXINPUT##1{\catcode`/ 12\relax\input{\detokenize{##1}}}% \let\dump\PREVIEWdump\dump}\fi\input mylatex.ltx \relax% REMARK: the above hack of \dump is conditional on \pdfoutput being defined which I think is good anyhow. \pdfoutput is defined for pdflatex whether dvi or pdf output. 2. We create the format with this incantation etex -ini -jobname prv_testmylátex "&pdflatex" "\input{\detokenize{prv_testmylátex.ini}}" "\nonstopmode\nofiles\PassOptionsToPackage{active,tightpage,auctex}{preview}\AtBeginDocument{\ifx\ifPreview\undefined\RequirePackage[displaymath,floats,graphics,textmath,sections,footnotes]{preview}[2004/11/05]\fi}" "\input{\detokenize{testmylátex.tex}}" the following less paranoid version (I don't wrap the name of ini file in \detokenize) seems to work too etex -ini -jobname prv_testmylátex "&pdflatex" prv_testmylátex.ini "\nonstopmode\nofiles\PassOptionsToPackage{active,tightpage,auctex}{preview}\AtBeginDocument{\ifx\ifPreview\undefined\RequirePackage[displaymath,floats,graphics,textmath,sections,footnotes]{preview}[2004/11/05]\fi}" "\input{\detokenize{testmylátex.tex}}" The detokenize at the end is really needed. (Or we could play the other games with \UseRawInputEncoding) 3. We then use the format with this incantation pdflatex -fmt="prv_testmylátex.fmt" /AUCTEXINPUT{testmylátex.tex} It works in my testing in Terminal on Mac OS X (bash shell) (I tested it with /AUCTEXINPUT{some other file with non-ascii filename} to check macros defined in the preamble of testmylátex.tex are actually used, proving the created format was indeed used). And by the way, yes you were right about mylatex.ltx \relax, then it uses .tex with no extra setting needed. Best Jean-François Le 23/05/2018 à 21:38, jfbu a écrit :
Hi Keita first-off let me apologize for my numerous posts, originating from someone like myself who - does not know preview, - does not know elisp, - does not know auctex, - does not know mylatex.ltx... - ... and is going to top-post I appreciate a lot your detailed explanations, which avoid me plunging into auctex sources. I have now made some experiments which show there is a problem to solve at "mylatex.ltx" level. Consider this source ---- \documentclass{article} \def\foo{foo} \begin{document} Checking format was used: \ttfamily\meaning\foo \end{document} ---- ### Experiment One: 1. save above as testmylatex.tex 2. execute etex -ini \&pdflatex mylatex.ltx testmylatex.tex 3. execute pdftex -fmt=mylatex testmylatex everything should go fine, and then testmylatex.pdf will contain Checking format was used: macro:->foo ### Experiment Two 1. save above file as testmylátex.tex 2a. Try pdflatex testmylátex.tex : it works 2b. Try now: etex -ini \&pdflatex mylatex.ltx testmylátex.tex It fails with ! I can't find file `testmyl'. <to be read again> \global <*> &pdflatex mylatex.ltx testmylá tex.tex (Press Enter to retry, or Control-D to exit) (attention that á especially on Mac OS may be with a combining character so your mileage my vary in the error report) 3a. The format file mylatex.fmt from Experiment one should still be there so we try pdflatex -fmt=mylatex testmylátex.tex (recall that pdflatex testmylátex.tex worked out of the box) It fails with ! I can't find file `testmyl'. <to be read again> \unhbox <*> testmylá tex.tex (Press Enter to retry, or Control-D to exit) Now try pdflatex -fmt=mylatex "\input{\detokenize{testmylátex.tex}}" It fails with the kind of error message you reported $ pdflatex -fmt=mylatex "\input{\detokenize{testmylátex.tex}}" This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19 (TeX Live 2018) (preloaded format=mylatex) restricted \write18 enabled. entering extended mode (/usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/.tex LaTeX2e <2018-04-01> patch level 4 CUSTOMISED FORMAT. Preloaded files: . article.cls 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class size10.clo 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option) . ) Runaway argument? ! File ended while scanning use of ^^M. <inserted text> \par <*> \ input{\detokenize{testmylátex.tex}} ? All of the above problems are with "mylatex.ltx". I think creating a file and using `\input` form might help The doc says %%% If you are on a Mac or using some shell that makes it inconvenient %%% to use a command line such as the above examples then you may %%% make a file `mylatex.tex' with the single line %%% \input mylatex.ltx abc %%% and then pass the file mylatex.tex to your (ini)tex shell to produce %%% the format, ie something equivalent to initex &latex mylatex.tex. and perhaps this can be used to solve our problems. I can't work immediately on this but will later, (or David Carlisle will show up and explain what to do) Best, Jean-François Le 23/05/2018 à 20:12, Ikumi Keita a écrit :Hi Jean,jfbu <address@hidden> writes:no bothering at all!Perhaps I should give up this particular case (non-ascii file name + preview-latex preamble cache) and commit the patch which fixes other issues.surely not!Thank you!What would helped me is to see the exact content of an ini file.It is designed to be deleted automatically after the format file dump, so I modified `preview-cache-preamble' temporarily not to delete it. The content thus obtained is: \ifx\pdfoutput\undefined\else\let\PREVIEWdump\dump\def\dump{% \edef\next{{\catcode`\ 9 \pdfoutput=\the\pdfoutput\relax\the\everyjob}}\everyjob\next\catcode`\ 10 \let\dump\PREVIEWdump\dump}\fi\input mylatex.ltx \relaxThen it is intriguing that the comment says"mylatex.ltx expects a file name to follow. Bad."and refers to empty file ".tex" but I see mylatex.ltx \relax not mylatex.ltx .tex ??I don't know well, but the log at the dumping says (/usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/carlisle/mylatex.ltx) (/usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/.tex File ignored)) so I think it really reads ".tex".---- about this ".tex" it was missing from TeXLive for a while due to a LaTeX packaging error but is since fixed https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/issues/30 ----Yes, I had updated with tlmgr and restored ".tex" already.It might take some time until I can say something about preview's mechanism, as I am not even that familiar to its usage. I hope David can kick in, that would be so much faster.I hope so as well.I anticipate the role of the format is to catch up some common preamble,These two paragraphs are quotes from preview-latex.info: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'C-c C-p C-f' 'preview-cache-preamble' Preview/Turn preamble cache on Dump a pregenerated format file. For the rest of the session, this file is used when running on the same master file. Use this if you know your LaTeX takes a long time to start up, the speedup will be most noticeable when generating single or few previews. If you change your preamble, do this again. preview-latex will try to detect the necessity of that automatically when editing changes to the preamble are done from within Emacs, but it will not notice if the preamble effectively changes because some included file or style file is tampered with. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Automatically cache preambles Currently preview-latex asks you whether you want to cache the document preamble (everything before '\begin{document}') before it generates previews for a buffer the first time. Caching the preamble will significantly speed up regeneration of previews. The larger your preamble is, the more this will be apparent. Once a preamble is cached, preview-latex will try to keep track of when it is changed, and dump a fresh format in that case. If you experience problems with this, or if you want it to happen without asking you the first time, you can customize the variable 'preview-auto-cache-preamble'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope these help.and the file primárias.tex should not be used here.I think the basic idea is to "embed" the particular document's preamble in the format file for efficiency, so I suppose that it is essential to input the document file (primárias.tex here).And "\input" "\detokenize{primárias.tex}" should be either"\expandafter\input" "\detokenize{primárias.tex}"or"\input" "{\detokenize{primárias.tex}}"OK, I'll change the relavant code accordingly.PS: I am CCing to auctex-dev but it seems my messages get bouncedSorry, I misspelled the address in my previous message. The right address is "address@hidden", not "address@hidden". Best regards, Ikumi Keita_______________________________________________ auctex mailing list address@hidden https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/auctex
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