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Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 201
From: |
jfbu |
Subject: |
Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018 |
Date: |
Wed, 23 May 2018 14:37:50 +0200 |
User-agent: |
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/45.3.0 |
Hi Ikumi
I had not read your initial message closely enough.
Le 23/05/2018 à 13:34, Ikumi Keita a écrit :
> Thank you very much, Jean,
>>>>>> jfbu <address@hidden> writes:
>>> On emacs invoked on UTF-8 locale, when I open the test file and type C-c
>>> C-p C-d, answering with y to "Cache preamble?", pdflatex succeeds to
>>> dump prv_primárias.fmt. However, the run of pdflatex to generate actual
>>> image which follows that dump fails with TeXLive 2018 like this:
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Running `Preview-LaTeX' on `primárias' with ``pdflatex
>>> -interaction=nonstopmode \&prv_prim\árias prim\árias.tex ''
>>> This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19 (TeX Live 2018) (preloaded
>>> format=pdflatex)
>>> restricted \write18 enabled.
>>> entering extended mode
>>> ! I can't find file `prim'.
>>> <to be read again>
>>> \unhbox
>>> <*> &prv_primárias primá
>>> rias.tex
>>> (Press Enter to retry, or Control-D to exit)
>>> Please type another input file name
>>> ! Emergency stop.
>>> <to be read again>
>>> \unhbox
>>> <*> &prv_primárias primá
>>> rias.tex
>>> ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
>>> Transcript written on texput.log.
>>> TeX Output exited as expected with code 1 at Wed May 23 18:36:15
>>> LaTeX: LaTeX found no preview images
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Can you please configure AUCTeX to issue this instead (I hope my mailer does
>> not add linebreaks)
>> pdflatex -file-line-error
>> "\nonstopmode\nofiles\PassOptionsToPackage{active,tightpage,auctex}{preview}\AtBeginDocument{\ifx\ifPreview\undefined\RequirePackage[displaymath,floats,graphics,textmath,sections,footnotes]{preview}[2004/11/05]\fi}"
>> "\input" {\\detokenize{prim\árias.tex}}
>> indeed LaTeX's \input checks if there is an opening brace, if not it uses
>> TeX's form of \input and the \detokenize is no good. Alternative
>> pdflatex -file-line-error
>> "\nonstopmode\nofiles\PassOptionsToPackage{active,tightpage,auctex}{preview}\AtBeginDocument{\ifx\ifPreview\undefined\RequirePackage[displaymath,floats,graphics,textmath,sections,footnotes]{preview}[2004/11/05]\fi}"
>> "\expandafter\input" \\detokenize{prim\árias.tex}
>> Hope it helps,
> Unfortunately, it didn't work.
What happened is that I did something like C-cC-pC-d at my locale,
there was an error, I recovered (no idea how) the command line invocation
which had failed and ended up with the slight modification above
(which later I modified again in my numerous follow-ups) which works
at my locale on commande line.
But it has nothing to do with using a custom format, so here we
see I had not read your message at all but only copied pasted
the MWE. Besides I am not using dev repo of AUCTeX but stock
installation (updated some weeks ago if I recall well).
My TeX-command-list diverged long time ago from official one
and this may interfere too.
It is not easy for me to try out any patch to official AUCTeX
(does it have a github repo?)
I gave it a try with a creating a format like this
etex -ini -interaction=nonstopmode -jobname prv_prim\árias "&pdflatex"
(CAVEAT: for reasons explained above I do not look into AUCTeX ELisp files,
I just started from things in Keita's message and malaxed until I could
execute on commande line)
Then I executed manually this line (which I copied from the continuation of
your message)
pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode \&prv_prim\árias "\input{" "\detokenize{"
prim\árias.tex "}" "}"
and it compiled seemingly successfully
$ pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode \&prv_prim\árias "\input{" "\detokenize{"
prim\árias.tex "}" "}"
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19 (TeX Live 2018) (preloaded
restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2018-04-01> patch level 4
Document Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
No file primárias.aux.
) (/path/to/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/preview/prauctex.def
No auxiliary output files.
Preview: Fontsize 10pt
Preview: PDFoutput 1
! Preview: Snippet 1 started.
l.5 \(
Preview: Tightpage -32891 -32891 32891 32891
! Preview: Snippet 1 ended.(455111+0x911285).
l.5 \(abc\)
ap}] )
(see the transcript file for additional information)</path/to/texli
Output written on primárias.pdf (1 page, 8677 bytes).
Transcript written on primárias.log.
I will be busy for today,
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Running `Preview-LaTeX' on `primárias' with ``pdflatex
> -interaction=nonstopmode \&prv_prim\árias "\input{" "\detokenize{"
> prim\árias.tex "}" "}"''
> This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19 (TeX Live 2018) (preloaded
> format=pdflatex)
> restricted \write18 enabled.
> entering extended mode
> (/usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/.tex
> LaTeX2e <2018-04-01> patch level 4
> CUSTOMISED FORMAT. Preloaded files:
> .
> article.cls 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
> size10.clo 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option)
> .
> )
> Runaway argument?
> ! File ended while scanning use of ^^M.
> <inserted text>
> \par
> <*> &prv_primárias \
> input{ \detokenize{ primárias.tex } }
> ! Emergency stop.
> <*> ...ias \input{ \detokenize{ primárias.tex } }
> ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
> Transcript written on .log.
> TeX Output exited as expected with code 1 at Wed May 23 20:06:31
> LaTeX: LaTeX found no preview images
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Unlike the case preamble cache is disabled, the current case does not
> use the complex stuff of
> "\nonstopmode\nofiles\PassOptionsToPackage{...}{preview}\AtBeginDocument{...}"
> at the pdflatex run generating the actual image. It runs in a simple
> form:
> pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode &prv_primárias FILENAME
> The complex stuff has been used already when dumping the customized
> format prv_primárias.fmt and, I guess, embedded in that format file.
> The output when preview-latex dumps the customized format is:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Running `Preview-LaTeX' on `primárias' with ``pdflatex -ini
> -interaction=nonstopmode "&pdflatex" prv_prim\árias.ini
> "\nonstopmode\nofiles\PassOptionsToPackage{active,tightpage,auctex}{preview}\AtBeginDocument{\ifx\ifPreview\undefined\RequirePackage[displaymath,floats,graphics,textmath,sections,footnotes]{preview}[2004/11/05]\fi}"
> "\input" "\detokenize{" prim\árias.tex "}"''
> This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19 (TeX Live 2018) (INITEX)
> restricted \write18 enabled.
> entering extended mode
> (./prv_primárias.ini
> LaTeX2e <2018-04-01> patch level 4
> (/usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/carlisle/mylatex.ltx)
> (/usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/.tex File ignored))
> No auxiliary output files.
> (./primárias.tex
> (/usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls
> Document Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
> (/usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo)) )
> Beginning to dump on file prv_primárias.fmt
> (preloaded format=prv_primárias 2018.5.23)
> 7584 strings of total length 123267
> 58322 memory locations dumped; current usage is 219&56872
> 4190 multiletter control sequences
> \font\nullfont=nullfont
> \font\OMX/cmex/m/n/5=cmex10
> ... (snip)
> \font\OT1/cmss/m/n/10=cmss10
> 5716 words of font info for 21 preloaded fonts
> 1141 hyphenation exceptions
> Hyphenation trie of length 370691 has 8997 ops out of 35111
> 143 for language 83
> 110 for language 82
> ... (snip) ...
> 181 for language 0
> 0 words of pdfTeX memory
> 0 indirect objects
> No pages of output.
> Transcript written on prv_primárias.log.
> TeX Output finished at Wed May 23 20:24:41
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> , which can be obtained by C-c C-p C-f. The init file prv_primárias.ini
> is prepared by preview-latex by the following elisp code in
> `preview-cache-preamble':
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ;; mylatex.ltx expects a file name to follow. Bad. `.tex'
> ;; in the tools bundle is an empty file.
> (write-region "\\ifx\\pdfoutput\\undefined\\else\
> \\let\\PREVIEWdump\\dump\\def\\dump{%
> \\edef\\next{{\\catcode`\\ 9 \\pdfoutput=\\the\\pdfoutput\\relax\
> \\the\\everyjob}}\\everyjob\\next\\catcode`\\ 10
> \\let\\dump\\PREVIEWdump\\dump}\\fi\\input mylatex.ltx \\relax\n" nil
> dump-file)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Perhaps we have to modify this .ini file.
> Best regards,
> Ikumi Keita
- Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018, (continued)
- Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018, Ikumi Keita, 2018/05/23
- Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018, jfbu, 2018/05/23
- Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018, jfbu, 2018/05/23
- Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018, jfbu, 2018/05/23
- Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018, jfbu, 2018/05/23
- Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018, Ikumi Keita, 2018/05/23
- Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018, Ikumi Keita, 2018/05/23
- Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018,
jfbu <=
- Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018, Ikumi Keita, 2018/05/23
- Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018, jfbu, 2018/05/23
- Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018, Ikumi Keita, 2018/05/23
- Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018, jfbu, 2018/05/23
- Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018, jfbu, 2018/05/23
- Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018, jfbu, 2018/05/23
- Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018, Ikumi Keita, 2018/05/24
- Re: [AUCTeX] [AUCTeX-devel] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018, Ikumi Keita, 2018/05/24
- Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018, jfbu, 2018/05/24
- Re: [AUCTeX] files with non-ascii characters and LaTeX as in TeXLive 2018, jfbu, 2018/05/24