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Re: [AUCTeX] Installing auctex under Windows

From: nusret
Subject: Re: [AUCTeX] Installing auctex under Windows
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 10:48:24 -0800 (PST)

I have the same configuration, except I installed in a
directory with no spaces in path (not that it's
necessary, I did it as a caution). Downloaded the
precompiled version and unzipped. There was a problem
with postscript: it assumes 'gs' is your executable,
but it's 'gsview32c.exe'. I customized it within
Xemacs. I also added my ghostscript path to the PATH
environment variable and everything worked fine Also
note that preview is not automatic (at least I don't
yet know how to automate it: but that's normal, I
didn't read the manual :-)). But you can manually
invoke it.

Probably the precompiled version will work, are you
sure that you don't miss a step or two? Just unzip,
add gsview32c.exe path to your PATH environment
variable, and customize Xemacs (or just make a copy of
gsview32c.exe in the same place, but rename it to
gs.exe. Who knows, this may work).


--- David Kastrup <address@hidden> wrote:

> Axel <address@hidden> writes:
> > I am trying to install auctex with XEmacs under
> Windows:
> >
> > I have installed XEmacs-21.4.19, and I downloaded
> acutex-11.82.  I try to 
> > stick to the installation instructions for
> Windows, so I am using MSYS and I 
> > type:
> >
> > ./configure --with-xemacs='C:\Program
> Files\XEmacs\'
> What is that supposed to be?  --with-xemacs is
> supposed to specify the
> _executable_, and executables most certainly have no
> trailing slash,
> let alone a backslash.
> > Alternatively, I have tried downloading the
> precompiled version of
> > auctex and copying it directly into my XEmacs
> directory.
> You can't use a version compiled for Emacs on
> XEmacs.
> -- 
> David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum
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