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Re: [AUCTeX] Launching xdvi without prompt

From: Christophe FARGES
Subject: Re: [AUCTeX] Launching xdvi without prompt
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 14:04:31 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915


Thanks for your detailed explaination on colors settings!
Color changes worked using the "M-x customize-face RET ..." commands and choosing the right item (for example font-lock-comment-face) . However, the command "M-x describe-text-properties" doesn't exist in my version of xemacs. Anyway, I found the name of the fonts I wanted to change... By the way, is there an internet webpage that gives the list of avaible colors with samples (for example green, darkgreen, forestgreeen, ....)

About bibliography and citations:
I installed Reftex, but when I press `C-c [', sometimes it works (ie I see all avaible citation in my bib file and middle click to choose one), sometimes it doesn't work:
it displays: Regex ( && Regex...) : [thelastworfItyped] :
And when I hit TAB, nothing happens...

Another question: does auctex or reftex work for labels (\label and \ref commands)? How can I use it?

Thanks again for your help,

* Christophe FARGES (2006-01-24) writes:

I've got another question, about customizing colors. I had customized
colors settings on xemacs and some were "overwritten" by auctex.

Which ones?  AUCTeX usually uses standard faces provided by font-lock
where available.

How can I customize colors,

M-x customize-face RET ...

With GNU Emacs you can find out quite easily which faces are present
at a given position by calling `M-x describe-text-properties RET'.  A
less convenient method for XEmacs which seems to lack this function is
`M-: (text-properties-at (point)) RET'.

in particular:
- commentaries (begining with %)


- mathematical expressions (between $)


- latex commands
- non latex commands (previously, any command begining with \ had the
 same color, now there is a color for the latex commands, and another
 for my own latex commands)

There is no distinction between LaTeX and non-LaTeX commands.  It's
more like between commands AUCTeX knows and those it doesn't know.
But this distinction is not consequently followed.  There are quite a
lot commands AUCTeX knows but which are colored with

With "commands" you are probably referring to the macro without its
arguments.  The "known" commands are fontified with
`font-lock-keyword-face' and the "unkown" ones with

- italic, bold text, etc...

See (info "(auctex)Font Locking"); <-- Type `C-x C-e' here.

One final word regarding font locking.  XEmacs is inferior to GNU
Emacs with respect to font locking.  That means some AUCTeX features
like raised/lowered display of superscript and subscript in
mathematical expressions or font locking of verbatim macros and
environments won't work in XEmacs.  If this is important to you, you
should use GNU Emacs instead.  A precompiled development version of
GNU Emacs for Windows which has AUCTeX already installed can be
obtained from <URL:>.

Finally, I saw that auctex can help with bibliography completions. I
read the online documentation about that and added the following lines
to my init.el file:
(setq TeX-auto-save t)
(setq TeX-parse-self t)
I thought that when I wrote \cite, it should provide me different
choices based on what appears in my BIB file, but nothing happens. May
be I don't use this correctly... How should I do?

Compared to RefTeX AUCTeX has only limited support for citations.  So
you should activate RefTeX as explained in RefTeX's manual and plug it
into AUCTeX.  You basically add this to your ~/.xemacs/init.el:

(add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex)
(setq reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX t)

And then you use `C-c [' for inserting citations.

By the way, maybe I should "tell" to auctex what is the name of my
bibtex file (although I think it has guessed by itself because it is
able to compile the bibtex file)...

RefTeX can find this out on itself.

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