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Re: Provide style file for babel support for Brazilian

From: Gustavo Barros
Subject: Re: Provide style file for babel support for Brazilian
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2021 20:09:34 -0300
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.15; emacs 27.2

Hi Arash,

On Mon, 21 Jun 2021 at 15:22, Arash Esbati <> wrote:

As far as I understood, this variable only takes `t' or `nil' for any
given macro, the later does not add the braces, and the former adds
them and places point between the braces.  I don't see a way to
emulate the effect `nil' has in `TeX-add-symbols' which is to add the
braces and leave point after the closing brace.  Is this indeed the
case, or am I really missing something?

Consider this example:


    (setq TeX-insert-braces t)
(setq TeX-insert-braces-alist '(("orda" . nil)))

    \ord{} \orda

If you eval the forms inside the verbatim environment, you'd expect the results shown above. You don't get them though because brazilian.el has
these lines:

     '("ord"  0)
     '("ro"   0)
     '("orda" 0)
     '("ra"   0))

`TeX-parse-macro' in return has code for this comment:

    ;; Do not add braces if the argument is 0 or -1.

Indeed, `TeX-add-symbols' and `TeX-insert-braces-alist' do step in each other's toes to some degree. The case you mentioned is one, another is:


    '("orda" nil))
   (setq TeX-insert-braces t)
   (setq TeX-insert-braces-alist
         '(("orda" . t)))



I admit that I discovered this behaviour also after your message.  I
think we have to adjust our style file accordingly.  0 should only be
used for LaTeX preamble only macros where an empty pair of braces after
a macros looks odd.

If that's the case, I do have a couple of further general comments.

The first is: wouldn't then a review in the same lines, and for the same reason, be granted to the old `textcomp.el' macros (which now live in `latex.el')? (And I admit I had rather these in mind when I insisted, since the babel macros for Portuguese are not that important, as we had observed previously).

The second, and this is really just a suggestion/idea, I think it would be interesting if `TeX-insert-braces-alist' could also control point position relative to the braces after the macro is inserted. As far as I can tell, it should not be complicated. Whenever the braces are inserted (at least when they are inserted by the grace of `TeX-insert-braces-alist') this happens in `TeX-parse-macro', and the point position between the braces is handled by the final `(backward-char)'. It should be trivial to condition that last step to a particular non-nil value in `TeX-insert-braces-alist' (e.g. `'point-out'). Of course, this effect is currently also achievable from `TeX-add-symbols', but that would be more convenient at the user level, and would also make it smoother to emphasize `TeX-insert-braces(-alist)' as the main interface for this purpose.
You can try to apply this patch and play with it:

diff --git a/style/brazilian.el b/style/brazilian.el
index 5124e660..c1ae8022 100644
--- a/style/brazilian.el
+++ b/style/brazilian.el
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@
      (setq TeX-quote-language nil))
    (setq LaTeX-babel-hyphen-language "brazilian")
-    '("ord"  0)
-    '("ro"   0)
-    '("orda" 0)
-    '("ra"   0))
+    "ord"
+    "ro"
+    "orda"
+    "ra")
    ;; Fontification
    (when (and (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup)
               (featurep 'font-latex))

or use the updated file attached.

Thank you very much. I confess I'd prefer the `nil', but I presume there is a reason for this particular value to be used as seldom as it is. And I am happy with this, since the braces do get inserted, which is the important here. (I haven't seen the commit there, I suppose you haven't done it yet, but when you have the chance, please do recall of `portuguese.el' too).

Thanks again!

Best regards,

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