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[Xnee-devel] Questions about xnee, particularly speed

From: Randy Kramer
Subject: [Xnee-devel] Questions about xnee, particularly speed
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 07:15:33 -0800 (PST)

(Aside: I've been having trouble subscribing to and
sending messages to address@hidden  Although I
will continue to attempt to resolve the problem,
and check the archives for any responses to this, I
would appreciate a direct reply to me at
address@hidden  (If that bounces (it should
not, but people have told me it has), then a note
to address@hidden would help me convince my
ISP that there is a problem.))

I came across xnee a few days ago, read a lot of
the web site pages and the  xnee-devel archives ;-)
(one recent post), I've downloaded, compiled, 
installed and played with version 1.07, and have
some questions.  (I should  play longer / do more
research, but I thought I'd try posting this to get
a  response.)  Aside: I've been looking for a
keyboard macro facility in X for several years 
now, some of my failures are discussed on 
, and my  (tilting at windmills style) musings on
modifying the X server are at 
-- I'm hoping xnee  might be the "answer to a
maiden's prayers".  Questions:   It seems rather
slow (on a 700 MHz Duron with 512 MB, Knoppix 3.2,
Kernel  2.4.20).  I also noticed that the parameter
to set the playback speed (in %)   mentioned in
what must be some old documentation doesn't work. 
Does xnee seem slow to others?  Is it slower than
the developers expected?  Is  developmen

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