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[Xlog-discussion] Re: XLog

From: Joop Stakenborg
Subject: [Xlog-discussion] Re: XLog
Date: Mon, 05 May 2003 20:31:53 +0200
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Larry Kirkland wrote:
I apologize for not being available Sunday evening. I have made some progress in getting XLog running with hamlib. After re-compiling everything, I can get XLog to come up with the hamlib tab in the preferences dialog. I check the hamlib support box and Frequencty Display box, and set my serial port as /dev/ttyS4. Next I set the radio as MARK-V FT-1000MP and then close the dialog box. The CAT light on the radio blinks and appears to be communicating. The radio icon on the status line appears but no frequency box appears. The program is now unresponsive and is frozen. I must use kill to the process to exit. If I select "Dummy" as the radio, the program does not freeze and the frequency box appears (but with an incorrect freq, of course). This leads me to suspect that the problem may be with hamlib rather than XLog, although I can start the "rigctl" utility of hamlib and successfully retreive and set frequeny , mode , etc. Any thoughts?
Larry W4LK

A quick check of the ft1000mp hamlib code reveals that the timeout for your rig is set to 2 seconds (way to large if you ask me). Xlog will poll the rig every 350 milliseconds, so that's causing you trouble.

You could do 2 things:
- change yaesu/ft1000mp.c in the hamlib source code and set .timeout to 200 in the rigcaps, recompile and install hamlib and recompile xlog next.
- change src/main.c in the xlog source code and modify the line:
hamlibtimer = gtk_timeout_add (350, (GtkFunction) get_riginfo, NULL),
change 350 to some value larger than 2000, let's say 2200.

You are using version 0.8 of xlog, am I right?

The next major xlog version (0.9) will make things a bit easier, I will put the polling frequency in the preferences dialog, so you can change it.

Hope this helps,

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