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[Texmacs-dev] Proposal on Schemes benchmarking

From: David MENTRE
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] Proposal on Schemes benchmarking
Date: Sat, 22 May 2004 14:45:44 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Hello TeXmacsers,

As part of Joris requirements[1] to change Guile in a future release of
TeXmacs, one was to benchmark the different schemes.

I propose to use as an infrastructure the Language Shootout
infrastructure of Doug Bagley: http://www.bagley.org/~doug/shootout/

Doug has written several tests for different language implementations
(like Bigloo, CMUCL, Guile, GCC, G++, OCaml) and is proposing a
benchmarking infrastructure. It could help us find objective criteria to
determine the best Scheme or Lisp to use in TeXmacs. Of course, the
current benchmarks may not be of interest for the texmacs community
(hello just print "Hello world") but it can be used as first start.

I have tried to rerun the tests on my debian machine, using debian
packages for lisps & schemes. I have rerun the two first tests (hello
and ackerman) but I have still an issue with memory benchmarking: all
memory reports are 0. If somebody on this list wants to hack some Perl
code, there is some opportunity. ;) I have asked Doug but he does not
provide any support.

I have put a tar of my current work at:

I include some notes (texmacs format) written in French on modifications
I made to run Doug's scripts. I can translate them in english if

  <item>décompresser l'archive

  <verbatim|<verbatim|<verbatim|bzip2 -dc
  ~/Archive/00-common/shoot-2003-01-12.tar.bz2>> \| tar tvf ->

  <item>(tout est relatif au répertoire shoot-2003-01-12) aller dans bin/ et
  transformer /usr/local/bin/perl en /usr/bin/perl

  <verbatim|<verbatim|perl -pi -e 's#/usr/local/bin/perl#/usr/bin/perl#' *>>

  <item>il faut aussi récupérer les modules nécessaires à minibench et plot

    <item><verbatim|apt-get install libgd-gd2-perl>

    <item><verbatim|apt-get install libchart-perl>

    <item><verbatim|apt-get install libgtop2-dev>

    <item>compile and install GTop package for Perl

      <item><verbatim|perl Makefile.PL>

      <item><verbatim|make && make install><verbatim|>

    <item><em|or> <verbatim|<verbatim|export LC_ALL=C; perl -MCPAN -e
    'install "GTop"'>> en root

  <item>installer les lisps

    <item><verbatim|apt-get install cmucl cmucl-docs sbcl>

    <item><verbatim|apt-get install bigloo bigloo-devtools
    bigloo-doc<verbatim|> bigloo-examples>

  <item>modifier bench/Makefile pour n'exécuter que les scripts nécessaires

  <item>supprimer dans bench/hello/ les sources pour les langages pas

  <item>modifier bench/hello/Minibench.conf pour ne pas avoir les langages
  non utilisés dans les options automake

  <item>ajouter bin/ de shout-* dans son <verbatim|PATH>, ainsi que .

  <item>modifier les chemins pour les compilos dans Make.header

  <item>modifier <verbatim|bench/hello/hello.guile> pour prendre

  <item>idem pour python

  <item>refaire pour tous les autres tests (soupir)

I'll gladly accept any positive and negative comment on this work.


[1] http://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/texmacs-dev/2004-04/msg00038.html
 David Mentré <address@hidden>

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