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Re: [Texmacs-dev] French translation devel branch

From: Michèle Garoche
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] French translation devel branch
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 11:30:28 +0200

Hi Joris,

Sorry for the delay in replying.

it is not really necessary to translate the devel files,
It's just, as I said previously, for not getting English files in-between French ones. It offends the aesthetics sense :-)

 it might be more interesting to
try to write some new documentation on subjects which interest you;
I doubt I have the necessary knowledge to write something really worthy about the subjects I'm interested in: mainly programming. If somebody could take the time to browse my web site (URL in signature) and eventually find there something worthy, just tell me I can adapt it to TeXmacs.

To start with, you might try to adapt the tutorial on the web to
the texmacs-doc style.
Don't tempt me, please :-) Well, I've begun, but I should not have to (must revise this networking stuff I'm completely allergic to :-).

Some questions:

1 - Could you tell me the dimension of the TeXmacs window you use to take screenshot.

2 - Do you use any magnifying factor to integrate them in TeXmacs document. Those in $HOME/.TeXmacs seem very small when inserting into a file, not the same size as in all other doc files.

3 - Where can I find the original icon files? Some in texmacs-doc/images/pixmaps do not come in the doc (problem with depth). I have to change them at least for testing purpose.

4 - The screenshots on the web sites do not correspond anymore to the TeXmacs window (I've not checked the other screenshots used in other parts of documentation but I'll guess this could be the same). So I've changed some of them since it can be very confusing for the user not to retrieve the same GUI. OK?

5 - The files corresponding to the branch Getting started: Starting TeXmacs, Creating a text, User Interfaces on the web site are already conform to the web site. But as it implies to add a number of new files (either files which only have branch tags or detailed files) and whose name I've invented (not sure if they conform strictly to your needs), I'm currently working outside of cvs, in order not to mess with the existing files. Is there a way we can work (once I've finished the whole conversion), so that you can check if the naming is conform, before I integrate the changes in cvs?

6 - I propose afterwards, if you are interested, to translate the tutorial on the web too (not a big deal as it will be already done for the tutorial integrated in TeXmacs.

7 - The balloon help inside a menu do not work on my system (Mac OS 10.2.5), though they work on icon bars. Is it a known bug?

Take your time to reply me, as I have the dangerous habit to jump into the work as soon as I have a reply.



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