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Re: How can I schedule the methods of updated members in a list?

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: How can I schedule the methods of updated members in a list?
Date: 12 Aug 2000 15:19:39 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "KY" == Kazuko Yamasaki <address@hidden> writes:

KY> If I write following code in ModelSwarm, the methods of updated
KY> members in the list are not scheduled, but the methods of initial
KY> members in the list are scheduled.

The problem is here:
KY> actionForEach = modelActions.createFActionForEachHomogeneous$call

(The use of ForEachHomogeneous rather than ForEach.)

Here's an example of a ForEach action where the set of target objects get
updated each time step by the method "swarmStep".

import swarm.objectbase.Swarm;
import swarm.objectbase.SwarmImpl;
import swarm.activity.Schedule;
import swarm.activity.ScheduleImpl;
import swarm.activity.Activity;
import swarm.activity.ActionGroup;
import swarm.activity.ActionGroupImpl;
import swarm.defobj.Zone;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import swarm.Globals;
import swarm.Selector;

class Agent {
  int id;

  Agent (int id) {
    this.id = id;
  public void agentStep () {
    System.out.println (id + "@" + Globals.env.getCurrentTime ());

public class TestForEach extends SwarmImpl {
  Schedule schedule;
  ActionGroup actionGroup;
  List list;
  int lastAgentId = 0;

  TestForEach (Zone aZone) {
    super (aZone);

    list = new LinkedList ();
    swarmStep ();

    actionGroup = new ActionGroupImpl (aZone);
    schedule = new ScheduleImpl (aZone);
    try {
      Selector aSel = new Selector (Agent.class, "agentStep", false);
      Selector sSel = new Selector (TestForEach.class, "swarmStep", false);

      actionGroup.createActionForEach$message (list, aSel);
      actionGroup.createActionTo$message (this, sSel);
      schedule.at$createAction (0, actionGroup);
      schedule.at$createAction (1, actionGroup);
      schedule.at$createAction (2, actionGroup);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      e.printStackTrace (System.err);
      System.exit (1);

  public void swarmStep () {
    list.add (new Agent (lastAgentId));

  public Activity activateIn (Swarm context) {
    super.activateIn (context);
    schedule.activateIn (this);
    return getActivity ();

  public static void main (String[] args) {
    Globals.env.initSwarm ("TestForEach", "0.0", "address@hidden", args);
    Swarm swarm = new TestForEach (Globals.env.globalZone);
    swarm.activateIn (null).run ();

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